Tokyo, August 17, 2021 – Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Marine Machinery & Equipment Co., Ltd. (MHIMME) delivered a turbine for demonstration test of cryogenic power generation system for FSRU(*1) named as “Cryo-Powered Regas system” developed by Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd (“MOL”) and Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Co., Ltd (“DSME”) and confirmed its successful running at DSME’s Okpo shipyard.
The role of an FSRU is to regasify -160°C liquified natural gas (LNG) through heat exchange. In the past, LNG’s cold energy had not been utilized in FSRUs and was released. By installing the “CryoPowered Regas” System, such cold energy will be transferred to another heating medium, and the generated steam will be sent to a turbine to generate electricity, which results in reducing FSRU’s fuel consumption and CO2 emissions.
A small-scale version of the “Cryo-Powered Regas” system was built in DSME’s R&D premises. The turbine generator used in this system was designed and constructed by MHI-MME specifically for the system. Through this test, MOL and DSME verified that the system could successfully generate electricity up to its rated capacity. The result of this demonstration test confirms that through the utilization of the “Cryo-Powered Regas” System, fuel consumption and CO2 emissions of new generation FSRUs can be reduced by 50% at maximum rated regas flow rate (*2) compared to conventional existing FSRUs.
Power generation by recovering waste energy including LNG latent heat in its regasification process is regarded as one of prospective measure to improve energy efficiency and realize low -carbon society, and MHI-MME proactively enhances its energy saving solution portfolio for marine use and contributes to further achievement of a low-carbon society.

(Note 1) Floating Storage Regasification Unit. A floating facility for storing and regasifying LNG, which is then pressurized and piped ashore.
(Note 2) Equivalent to 500 mmscfd (million standard cubic feet per day)