PW200 Series Engines
PW200 series engines are a light-weight free-turbine turbo shaft engine developed by Pratt & Whitney Canada, Inc. The output is 450~650hp (horsepower) and it is installed in twin-engine helicopters. They are controlled by the latest FADEC (Full Authority Digital Electronic Control) system, provides quick response according to change of power supply and supplies proper fuel. Besides, it prevents hot start, compressor stall, overspeed, etc. by monitoring engine conditions at all times. This reduces load of pilot operation. In Japan, helicopters with PW200 series engines have been introduced since late 1990's and now more than 240 PW200 series engines have been used in various fields, such as police fleet, medical-use helicopter, math media, etc.

- Description above was written as of January, 2018.
PT6T Series Engines
PT6T series engines are a turbo shaft engine developed and manufactured by Pratt & Whitney Canada, Inc. (in Canada)
The engines adopt the specific system that left and right power sections are combined in RGB to unify.
Engines of this series are installed in Bell 212, 412 helicopters and used for disaster prevention purpose in Japan Coast Guard, National Police Agency, Land, Infrastructure and Transportation Ministry, each prefecture in Japan.
We have been performed repair works for this engine.

- Description above was written as of January, 2018.
PT6A Series Engines
PT6A series engines are a small turbo prop engines developed and manufactured by Pratt & Whitney Canada, Inc. In Japan, this series of engines are being used in Maritime Self Defense Force, Ground Self Defense Force, Japan Coast Guard and others. We have been performing repair works of PT6A-60A engines used in Japan Coast Guard.

- Description above was written as of January, 2018.
PT6C-67C Engine
PT6C-67C engines, the latest model of PT6 series engines, are turboshaft engines developed and manufactured by the Pratt & Whitney Canada, Inc. Key feature of PT6C-67C includes 1679 hp take-off power rating and EEC (Electronic Engine Control) auto-controlling system.
We have been performed repair works for this engine.It is installed on AW139 model helicopters which are widely used in Japan by the Japan Coast Guard, Police, Fire Department and News Media.

- Description above was written as of January, 2018.
Gas Turbine Package
Gas Turbine Cogeneration System
Gas Turbine Cogeneration System is a power generation system that generates heat and electricity at the same time. Our two core products are 2.6MW Class System with the U.S. Vericor ASE40 engine and 3.2MW Class System with the Vericor ASE50 engine.
Gas Turbine Mechanical Drive
We handle 2 types of Gas Turbines Mechanical Drives; one with the Mitsubishi Heavy Industries MTM500 engine and the other with the Vericor ASE40(V) engine. They are used to drive pumps in drainage systems to prevent flooding as well as to drive compressors in plants.
Emergency Generator
We handle Emergency Generators powered by the Mitsubishi Heavy Industries MTG400 & MTG800T engines and the Vericor ASE40 &ASE50 engines. They are installed in different types of buildings to be used in emergencies such as power cut.

- Description above was written as of January, 2018.