Type 4-Cycle Water-Cooled Diesel Engine
Aspiration Turbocharged
Number of Cylinder 4
Bore and Stroke (mm) 78x92
Displacement (cc) 1758
Combustion system Swirl Chamber
Maximum Gross Output (kW/rpm) 36.8/3000
Fuel/Fuel system Diesel Fuel (ASTM No.2-D) / Inline -type(PFR)
Charging alternator (V-A) 12-50
Starting System (V-kW) 12-2.0
Engine Oil Capacity (ℓ) 6.0
Dry Weight (kg) 174
Flywheel SAE #7.5
Flywheel Housing SAE #5

When it comes to turbocharged diesel engines, the MVS4L2-T sets a new standard with its rated power output of 36.8kW at just 3000 RPM. It is extensively used in power generation, marine, construction equipment, and agricultural machinery. 

Due to the engine’s high performance and ability to perform under demanding conditions, it finds its usage in powering construction machinery.

As a diesel engine for power generation, the MVS4L2-T ensures consistent and efficient electricity supply even during peak demand. This makes the engine ideal for both primary and backup power applications. 

As a diesel engine for agriculture applications, and for the marine sector, this engine becomes an ideal fit because of its impeccable durability and power output.

Performance Curve
Dimensions (Unit: mm)
Rear view of MVS4L2 -T Diesel Engine, Diesel engine dimensions displayed on a line drawing