Additional Learning Facilities
In addition to operation training simulators, NTC has learning facilities designed to enhance operators’ theoretical understanding of nuclear power plant operation.

Computer Aided Instruction (CAI)
CAI equipment facilitates trainees’ self-study of nuclear reactor and plant theory and operational procedure.

RCS Visual Display – Video, Parameter and Event data Logging System (RVD-VPEL)

The RVD-VPEL system displays variations in temperature and pressure inside primary system equipment as well as warnings, operation logs, and operation video to help trainees study operating conditions and plant parameter behavior.
RCS Visual Display (RVD)
RVDs display plant conditions in the form of an animation, providing an easy-to-understand illustration of the relationship between the progress of events and internal plant behavior.

Parameter Event Logging (PEL)
The PEL system collects data and can display changes in temperature, pressure, and other parameters in graph form.

Training video playback (VIDEO)
Video of simulator training can be played back for later review.
*RVD data, PEL data, and video can be played back/displayed in synchronization.

Functional Diagram Visualization System
Visualizing the flow and action of reactor control system logic helps trainees better understand reactor control system behavior.

Core Visual Display (CVD)
CVDs can visualize parameters such as the power distribution of reactor core and help trainees deepen their understanding of behavior inside the core.

Severe Accident Visual Display (SAVD)
SAVD can visualize the core melt state, etc. and help trainees deepen their understanding of plant response under Severe Accident conditions.