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Mitsubishi Shipbuilding Successfully Separates and Captures CO₂ from Exhaust Gas in World’s First Marine-based CO₂ Capture System Project
-- Captured CO₂ Has Purity Greater than 99.9%, Demonstrating Performance in Line with Plan --


・ Engineers from Mitsubishi Shipbuilding began verification testing on the ship in August, and currently the ship crew is operating the CO2 capture system.
・ Project conducted jointly by Mitsubishi Shipbuilding, “K” Line, and ClassNK as a MLIT-backed project for research and development of technological advancements in marine resource development.

Verification test of Marine-based CO2 Capture System on the ship

Verification test of Marine-based CO2 Capture System on the ship

Tokyo, October 20, 2021 – Mitsubishi Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., a part of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) Group, has successfully separated and captured carbon dioxide (CO2) from the exhaust gas emitted from the engines of a ship equipped with a small-scale CO2 capture demonstration plant, as part of the “Carbon Capture on the Ocean” (CC-Ocean) project(Note1) for verification testing of a marine-based CO2 capture system, conducted in cooperation with Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. (“K” Line) and Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (ClassNK). The captured CO2 had a purity(Note2) of more than 99.9%, achieving performance in line with plan.

This project is conducted aboard the CORONA UTILITY, a coal carrier for Tohoku Electric Power Co., Inc. operated by “K” Line. The data provided will be used as a benchmark for practical application of marine-based CO2 capture systems. The small-scale CO2 capture demonstration plant installed on the ship is a system for onshore plants that was adapted for marine use. The success in achieving CO2 capture performance in a marine environment as planned enhances the potential for practical application of marine-based systems.

In early August, after the small-scale CO2 capture demonstration plant was installed on the ship, engineers from Mitsubishi Shipbuilding remained on the vessel to operate and maintain the system. They also instructed the ship crew on the operation of the plant, as well as conducted measurements and analysis of the exhaust gas and captured CO2, and evaluated the system performance. From mid-September through the end of fiscal 2021, the ship crew will continue to operate the system and take measurements in the world’s first trial of CO2 capture by ordinary crew during commercial operation of a marine vessel. Mitsubishi Shipbuilding will confirm the safety and operability of the system based on knowledge gained from these verification tests, and work to develop an actual commercial system.

MHI Group is pursuing a range of strategic measures to strengthen businesses related to energy transition,  and establishing a CO2 ecosystem is a key part of this effort. Carbon dioxide capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) is attracting attention as an effective means to achieve a carbon neutral society. Mitsubishi Shipbuilding, in response to these demands, is continuing its efforts to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from ships and other types of marine equipment, in order to contribute to environmental conservation, and the realization of a carbon neutral society on a global scale.

  • 1This project is being conducted with support from the Maritime Bureau of Japan’s Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT), as part of its assistance project for research and development of technological advancements in marine resource development.
  • 2The purity of the CO2 captured by the CO2 capture system. When a onshore plant captures CO2 with a purity of more than 99.9%, the captured CO2 can be used in a wide range of applications, including chemical processes to enhance production of fertilizer or methanol, general use such as dry ice for cooling, and enhanced oil recovery (EOR) to increase crude oil production. Measurement of the exhaust gas emitted from ship’s engines
Measurement of the exhaust gas emitted from ship’s engines

Measurement of the exhaust gas emitted from ship’s engines

Operation of Marine-based CO<sub>2</sub> Capture System by the ship crew

Operation of Marine-based CO2 Capture System by the ship crew


Tags: carbon neutral,decarbonized,CCUS

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Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) Group is one of the world’s leading industrial groups, spanning energy, smart infrastructure, industrial machinery, aerospace and defense. MHI Group combines cutting-edge technology with deep experience to deliver innovative, integrated solutions that help to realize a carbon neutral world, improve the quality of life and ensure a safer world. For more information, please visit or follow our insights and stories on