Radio Communication Experiment
Video Signal Transmit in Real-Time Experiment
DAS conduct video signal and shooting position data transmit experiment by way of Communication Satellite in real-time. This experiment was co-operated by Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) and National institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) and Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC). This information is used for clearly grasp the initial situation during disaster. We still try to make this experiment practicable by developing and studying the image process technique, data delivery technique, and application software.

N-STAR Communication Experiment
We installed Ka-Band Aviation Satellite Communication System and video camera system to our airplane and succeeded to transmit our video signal to earth station at Kashima Space Communication Center of CRL by way of Communication Satellite N-Star.

COMETS Communication Experiment
We installed Next-Generation Mobile satellite communication system to our airplane and performed telecommunication experiment flight between COMETS (Communications and Broadcasting Engineering Test Satellites).