
日付 講演・会議・掲載誌名など テーマ
2024年11月10日~13日 NTHAS13 Development of Numerical Evaluation Method for Heat Transportation with Sodium Mist in the Cover gas Region of Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor
Code-to-code Comparison Through Benchmark Analyses of Run-E1 Sodium Spray Fire Test
2024年10月7日~11日 PSAM17&ASRAM2024 Benchmark on Dynamic PRA with Simplified Decay Heat Removal System Model of Sodium Fast Reactor– Part1 (Benchmark Analysis Condition and Thermodynamic Model Results)
Benchmark on Dynamic PRA with Simplified Decay Heat Removal System Model of Sodium Fast Reactor- Part2 (DPRA Problem Description and Benchmark Results)
2024年10月6日~10日 GLOBAL2024 Major outcomes of the Franco-Japanese collaboration on R&D for SFR thermal-hydraulics simulation
France-Japan Collaboration on Severe Accident Studies in Sodium–Cooled Fast Reactors (2)Methodologies and Calculations of Severe Accident Phases
Ten Years of Japanese & French Research and Industry Collaboration on GEN-IV-SFR Developments: Outcomes and Prospects
France-Japan Collaborative Development of Verification, Validation and Uncertainty Quantification for Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor Neutronics and Shielding Analysis Methods
2024年8月25日~28日 NUTHOS-14 Application of the GIF Safety Design Criteria and Safety Design Guidelines on Natural Circulation Capability to Next Generation Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor in Japan
2024年7月28日~8月2日 ASME PVP2024 Study on Vertical Sloshing Load Acting on Roof of Cylindrical Tanks in Seismic Wave Excitation
Research and Development of Three-Dimensional Isolation System for sodium Cooled Fast Reactor Part7, 8, 9
Development of the Buckling Evaluation Method for Large Scale Vessels in Fast Reactors Made of Grade 91 Steel and Austenitic Stainless Steel with Large Initial Imperfections
2024年6月9日~12日 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants(ICAPP2024) Application of the GIF Safety Design Criteria and Safety Design Guidelines on Reactor Shutdown System to Next Generation Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor in Japan
Application of the GIF Safety Design Criteria and Safety Design Guidelines on Decay Heat Removal System to Next Generation Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor in Japan