Press Information

MHI Thermal Systems to Launch "M-ACCESS,"
Remote Monitoring Service for Air-Conditioning Equipment


・ Delivers round-the-clock, remote, centralized management of A/C systems at multiple sites

・ Energy consumption optimized based on annual consumption volume and weather forecast data

・ Service to launch January 2018, supporting commercial sites through optimal energy control

Tokyo, November 21, 2017 – Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Thermal Systems, Ltd. will launch "M-ACCESS," a new service enabling energy-saving control of air-conditioning (A/C) equipment through internet-based remote monitoring of equipment operating status, into the domestic market in January 2018. By monitoring A/C systems around-the-clock 365 days a year and providing optimal control of energy usage, M-ACCESS will support total management of commercial businesses and office buildings.

M-ACCESS is a remote monitoring system that adopts cloud gateway technology to enable centralized management of A/C equipment at multiple off-site locations using IoT. The status of A/C systems can be easily monitored and adjusted remotely using an internet-connected PC or tablet. M-ACCESS offers versatile connectivity to a variety of A/C systems. Besides multi A/C systems in office buildings, for example, M-ACCESS can be connected to commercial-use package air-conditioners, residential-use air-conditioners, and also heating systems.

M-ACCESS's features include new energy-saving functions, such as temperature setting shift and operation mode change, as well as a signage function* aimed at raising energy conservation awareness by displaying showing power consumption volume. An energy consumption optimization function is also included which uses preset annual consumption volume and weather forecast data; this function achieves finely balanced energy management throughout an entire building.

A system is also currently under development to use data analysis to enable advance detection of any irregularities in A/C equipment operation and avert sudden malfunctions. This function will improve performance, extend product service life, and reduce lifecycle costs. In the event of a malfunction, the system will swiftly send notification by email to both the user and MHI Thermal Systems' service base. This will enable a speedy response, leading to shorter recovery time.

Going forward, MHI Thermal Systems will continue to develop air-conditioning products to meet the market's robust needs for outstanding energy savings, easy operation and ambient comfort. All resources will be focused on providing optimal solutions in comfortable air-conditioning.

* Signage is a function whereby the power consumption of an air-conditioner is electronically converted and sent as an image, etc.

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