- Philosophy Corporate philosophy
- Corporate Policy MHI's corporate policies.
- Corporate Profile About Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. profile.
- Officers Officers of MHI.
- Corporate Organization Corporate Organization of MHI.
- History Follow MHI's roots dating all the way back to 1884 and see how the company has grown along with the modernization of Japan.
- Exhibition Facilities
- Event & Exhibition
- MHI Group’s Declaration to achieve Carbon Neutral by 2040
Outline of MHI Group Passionately seeking new, simpler and sustainable ways, we work with our clients and partners around the globe to create a better future for everyone who shares our planet.
MHI Group’s Declaration to Achieve Carbon Neutrality by 2040 Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Group will contribute to realizing net zero emissions for the world as a whole.
Key Solutions We incorporate cutting-edge insights into our technologies to provide realistic solutions