Press Information

MHI Develops 1,500kW Gas Engine Generation System in Container
Enabling Quick Transport, Quick Installation and Quick Generation
-- New "MEGANINJA" Responds to Growing Demand
For Distributed Power Generation Systems --


Tokyo, June 26, 2012 - Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (MHI) has completed the development and commenced marketing of the "MEGANINJA*1," a transportable power generation system driven by gas engine and configured like a container. The generator features its capability to begin power generation within 24 hours after its arrival at the installation site. Based on the product concept of "quick transport, quick installation and quick generation," the MEGANINJA adopts an easily transportable container configuration and uses connector units for wiring and fuel piping connections, which enables significant simplification of work needing to be performed at the installation site. MHI looks to develop a wide market for the MEGANINJA, both domestically and globally, primarily in response to demand for distributed generation capability especially in the emerging economies, where power shortages remain common in some regions and for emergency power generators.

The MEGANINJA incorporates all equipment necessary for power generation within an ISO 40-foot (approx. 12 meters) container, including a gas engine, generator, fuel gas compressor and control panel. The unit can also accommodate cogeneration through simultaneous use of a 20-foot container for waste heat recovery incorporating a hot-water heat exchanger, exhaust gas steam boiler, etc. Both types of container can be transported to their destination by trailer. The MEGANINJA has a generation output of 1,500 kilowatts (kW), and multiple units can be easily interconnected to expand output further.

With conventional stationary generating equipment, work at the installation site has been quite time-consuming, typically requiring approximately one month to carry out necessary procedures - preparation of the underlying foundation, connection of wiring and piping, etc. - before the unit is ready to operate. The MEGANINJA, by contrast, merely needs to be brought to its installation site, where it normally can be made ready to operate within 24 hours. Prior to delivery the customer is provided with exterior drawings and instructions indicating how much space will be needed for installation and the positioning of the connector units for connecting the system's wiring and fuel piping. The connector units for the electricity and fuel supply are also delivered at that time, so that by the time the MEGANINJA arrives at the site, installation space has already been secured and connection work has been completed.

The MEGANINJA's gas engine features a "miller cycle" system*2 that enables achievement of an outstanding generation efficiency rate of 42.6%. Electronic control results in optimal mixing of the fuel and air, which in turn keeps nitrogen oxide (NOx) density within 200 ppm (parts per million) without treatment. Also, outstanding reliability and durability have been achieved in the main engine components, roughly 90% of which are identical to parts used in the company's widely adopted diesel engines.

Many of the emerging economies continue to have regions that labor under power shortages due largely to slow progress in installing the needed power transmission networks, and in these countries expectations are increasingly being held toward distributed generation systems as a workable solution. In China especially, the 12th Five-Year Plan launched in 2011 calls for some 1,000 projects relating to distributed generation systems using natural gas, and as a result robust demand can be anticipated for gas engine power generation facilities.

On May 8 MHI concluded a basic agreement with China's Dongguan Xinao Gas Co., Ltd. (Dongguan City, Guangdong Province) on energy services utilizing MHI's gas engine generation equipment, including the placement of an order for two units of the MEGANINJA. Both units - the first to be produced by MHI - were shipped from the company's Sagamihara Machinery Works, and delivery to the site has been completed.

MHI is also slated to establish a new engineering center in Shanghai specifically for gas engine distributed power generation, targeted for completion by this October. The center will be created within the Shanghai office of MHI Engine System (Shenzhen), Ltd., MHI's base for engine operations in China. Engineers specialized in distributed power generation systems will be newly posted here, and through the establishment of a system close to local customers that can respond integrally in all aspects from system design through servicing, MHI aims to respond to growing demand for distributed power generation systems in the Chinese market.

With the MEGANINJA, MHI has now expanded its lineup of gas engine power generation facilities. Going forward the company will now focus on promoting the effectiveness of the MEGANINJA as a response to demand, both in Japan and abroad, for distributed generation power sources and emergency power sources to be used in times of disaster, etc. Aggressive sales expansion will be pursued through provision of finely tuned consultation and sales activities.

1.MEGANINJA: Mitsubishi Energy Gas pAckage Ninja
2.In contrast to the Otto cycle system in which the compression and expansion ratios of the cylinders are equal, in a miller cycle system the expansion
   ratio is larger than the compression ratio (by shifting valve-closure timing).


Main Specifications of the MEGANINJA

Generator ratings  


1,500 kW





Outer dimensions
(L x W x H)

Generator unit


Heat recovery unit


Gas engine




Natural gas

Operating speed

1,500 min-1

Cooling system


[MEGANINNJA in transit]


About MHI Group

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) Group is one of the world’s leading industrial groups, spanning energy, smart infrastructure, industrial machinery, aerospace and defense. MHI Group combines cutting-edge technology with deep experience to deliver innovative, integrated solutions that help to realize a carbon neutral world, improve the quality of life and ensure a safer world. For more information, please visit or follow our insights and stories on