
Amid growing global demand for both securing stable energy supply and reducing environmental impact, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) is actively promoting an Energy Transition grounded in reality.
In our Gas & Steam Power Systems business, we provide a wide range of solutions, including gas turbines that have a leading global market share based on the world’s highest level of efficiency, reliability, and future adaptability such as conversion to hydrogen-firing, as well as modification of existing facilities, for example boilers to enable biomass co-firing.
In our Nuclear Power Systems business, we are working on the restart of existing plants and the maintenance work for stable and safe operations after restarting, and supporting the work towards a fuel cycle facility’s completion. We are also engaged in the development of the Advanced Light Water Reactor with the world’s highest standard of safety, as well as fast reactors and high-temperature gas-cooled reactors that can meet society’s diversifying needs.
In addition, through our Aero Engines business with high fuel efficiency and low NOx emissions, our Marine Machinery business that responds to needs in the global trends for energy-saving and environmental consciousness, our Compressor business that has an extensive track record with oil & gas and petrochemical plants, and our Wind Power Systems business, we help to provide stability in infrastructure with both our products and services.
Throughout these business areas, we are contributing to achieving both stable energy supply and carbon neutrality.

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Plants & Infrastructure

Plants & Infrastructure
Against a backdrop of global efforts to address climate change, the needs for decarbonization and the pursuit of energy efficiency are growing. As a leading solution provider with products targeting environmental issues, MHI is striving to accelerate Energy Transition and achieve demand-side decarbonization and energy-saving through Smart Infrastructure.
By leveraging our portfolio of diverse products, we will contribute to realizing a carbon neutral world, as well as a safer and more secure society underpinned by vital infrastructure.
In our Engineering business, our focuses include CO₂ capture systems which contribute to decarbonization in a wide range of industries worldwide, and chemical plants that are expected to have increased demand for hydrogen and ammonia fuel sectors. Through our transportation systems, we also contribute to the growth of regional economies and enhanced convenience for people in various countries. Our Metals Machinery business offers a product lineup that enables improved materials and energy efficiencies, and is advancing innovative technologies that will make green steel a reality, taking a significant step towards decarbonization of the steel industry. Our Commercial Ships business provides environmental solutions including LNG fuel gas supply systems, and our Environmental Systems business offers waste-to-energy technology which utilizes municipal waste for power generation. Additionally in our Machinery Systems business, we are enhancing existing businesses and after-sales services through digital transformation (DX), and aiming to accelerate commercialization of solutions in mobility and other new fields.

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Logistics, Thermal & Drive Systems

Given the accelerating move towards low-carbon and decarbonized society, MHI offers a wide range of products and solutions to support social infrastructures, and comfortable and convenient lives of people. These include our Material Handling systems business which solves logistics issues in countries and regions around the world; our Thermal Systems (Air-Conditioning & Refrigeration Systems) business which provides comfortable spaces with energy-efficiency; our Engine business which powers various types of machinery; and our Turbocharger and Car Air-Conditioning businesses which respond to the diversifying array of automobile powertrains.
In this business area which is gaining more and more attention with the increasing concern about environmental protections as a backdrop, we are also working on the development of new products that meet the expanding market for energy-saving and electrified products. In the field of Smart Infrastructure, which we set out in our 2021 Medium-Term Business Plan, we have provided automated picking solutions anchored by AGF (Automated Guided Forklifts) aiming to accelerate logistics intelligence. Further, we are verifying the automated picking, shipping and receiving system and working toward its commercialization. We have also launched efforts to further optimize our freezer and refrigerated warehouses, utilizing simulation technology in addition to high cooling efficiency and low power consumption.

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Aircraft, Defense & Space

MHI is engaged in country-level projects in the fields of commercial aviation, defense, and aerospace, contributing to the safety and security of people around the world .
In our Commercial Aviation business, we have the world-class scope of operations and advanced technologies as a partner of international joint development and production, supplying the main components of commercial aircraft such as main wings and fuselages to the world's leading aircraft manufacturers. And with our aftermarket business, we will keep improving our highly reliable technologies as a company that supports the core of aircraft fleet operation by airlines, so that we can provide comfortable air travel to people all over the world.
In our Defense business, we are involved in the development, production, and operational support for many kinds of defense equipment based on requests from the government. We continue to support the safety and security of society as a leader in the field by responding to needs such as significant enhancement of standoff defense capabilities and unmanned asset defense capabilities, performance enhancements of existing equipment and expansion of peripheral fields.
And through our Space business, we have played a key role in manufacturing of launch vehicles since the early days of Japan's space program. We are one of the few companies in the world that can handle all phases from launch vehicle manufacturing to launching. Demand for launch vehicles is expanding given the increasing utilization of outer space by countries worldwide, and we are counted on more and more by many satellite operators both at home and abroad.

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