Gas Injection / EOR (Enhanced Oil Recoverly) / Carbon Dioxide Capture and Strage (CCS)

Gas injection compressors

Gas re-injection compressors are used for handling high-pressure, high-density gas which is sent deep underground to an oil or natural gas well. This type of compressor is used on Floating, Production, Storage and Offloading (FPSO) systems to re-inject production gas or CO2 into existing wells or to recover CO2 from exhaust gases. The recovered CO2 is then injected into oil fields in order to both boost oil production and solidify the CO2 underground.
To achieve these operator needs, we have developed and maintained world class technologies related to Super-high-pressure compressors (700barg).


Compressor for injecting CO2 gas into the underground

This shows shop test of a CO2 gas injection compressor and the electric drive motor which were delivered to a gas processing plant in Algeria. It provides a discharge pressure of 20 MPa or higher.
Compressor for injecting CO2 gas into the underground
Layout of both shaft end drive compressor train using an electric motor

Compressor for injecting natural gas into the underground

This compressor takes natural gas which is pumped up from underground together with oil at an oil well head and reinjects it into the oil field for EOR (Enhanced Oil Recovery).
High pressure natural gas injection compressor is applied for this use.
Compressor for injecting natural gas into the underground
Super high pressure Compressor (700barg)