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    Company Profile

    When was the Company established?
    It was established on January 11, 1950.
    When was the Company listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange?
    It was listed in May 1950.

    Financial results and business strategy

    I'd like to know about past performances.
    Please refer to "Financial Highlights".
    Where can I see financial results?
    Please refer to "Financial Results".
    Where can I see annual report or integrated report?
    Please refer to "MHI Report (Annual Report) and Other Reports".
    From fiscal 2013, we have integrated financial and non-financial information into the MHI Report.
    Where can I see a presentation material of medium-term business plan?
    Please refer to "Medium-Term Business Plan".
    Where can I see a presentation material of business Presentation?
    Please refer to "Business Presentation".
    I'd like to know about a schedule of the earnings announcement.
    Please refer to "IR Calendar".
    Could you tell me MHI's ratings?
    Please refer to "Corporate Ratings and Bonds".
    Could you tell me MHI's stock price?
    Please refer to "Stock Quotes".
    How can I send questions about financial results, business strategy and others?
    Please contact us with "The Inquiry Form".

    Stock Information

    What is the Company's securities code in Japan?
    The Company's securities code in Japan is 7011.
    Where can I get information about the total number of shares issued, the number of shareholders, or details on major shareholders?
    Please refer to "Stock Information".
    What is the minimum number of stock allowed per trade?
    It is 100.
    When is the fixed date for paying dividends to shareholders?
    It is March 31 for payment of year-end dividends and September 30 for payment of interim dividends.
    Does the Company offer any preferential treatment to shareholders?
    No, we do not at the moment.
    Where can I get information about past dividend payments?
    Please refer to "Dividends".
    What is the contact for shareholder services such as registering changes in ownership and addresses?
    Please contact the head office or any branch of Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation concerning changes in ownership, names, addresses, accounts used to receive dividends and other matters.
    Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation
    How can I send questions about stocks, dividends and others?
    Please contact us with "The Inquiry Form".