Press Information

MHI to Integrate 8 Group Companies Handling Businesses Related to Factory & Facility Management, Construction and Real Estate
-- Target on More Advanced and Improved Operations Through Standardization from Nationwide Organizational Unification --


Tokyo, October 29, 2015 - Effective January 1, 2016, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (MHI) will launch Ryoju Facility and Properties Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of MHI, through integration of eight MHI Group companies that are presently handling businesses related to factory & facility management, construction and real estate. The consolidation move is part of MHI's current structural reform program of its corporate functions. Through nationwide integration, MHI aims to further promote interdivisional coordination, operational advancement and efficiency improvement in the provision of services.

In launching the new company, Ryoju Estate Co., Ltd. will function as the surviving company and absorb the seven other companies. The new entity will have its head office in Tokyo, which will be responsible for operations throughout the Kanto region. In addition, four regional offices will be set up: the Chubu, Kinki, Hiroshima and Nishinihon Branch Offices. The new company will have three business headquarters, one each to handle operations in factory & facility management, construction and real estate. It will be capitalized at 250 million yen and initially have 2,000 employees.

After its launch, the new company will proceed to make optimally effective use of the resources owned by its component companies, strengthen operational management by commoditizing technical and management know-how, and further increase and expand its contributions to core businesses conducted by MHI's Group companies. MHI plans to coordinate closely with the new firm and fully support its activities.

Group Companies (wholly-owned) To Be Integrated


Company name

Head office location

Wholly-owned subsidiary of MHI

Ryoju Estate Co., Ltd.
(company surviving in absorption-type merger)

Minato-ku, Tokyo

Nagoya Ryoju Estate Co., Ltd.
(company to be absorbed in absorption-type merger)

Minato-ku, Nagoya

Kinki Ryoju Estate Co., Ltd. (to be absorbed)

Hyogo-ku, Kobe

Hiroshima Ryoju Estate Co., Ltd. (to be absorbed)

Nishi-ku, Hiroshima

Nishinihon Ryoju Estate Co., Ltd. (to be absorbed)

Nagasaki City


Company name

Head office location

(sub-subsidiary, etc.)

Ryosei Service Co., Ltd.
(to be absorbed)

Kanagawa-ku, Yokohama

MHI General Services Co., Ltd. (to be absorbed)

Hyogo-ku, Kobe

Nagasaki Ryoko Service Co., Ltd. (to be absorbed)

Nagasaki City

Outline of Newly Launching Integrated Company (subject to change)
Company name:  Ryoju Facility & Properties Co., Ltd.
Businesses: Design, implementation and supervision of civil engineering and construction works; sale of houses; house construction and housing land development; rental and management of office buildings, apartments, etc.; real estate purchasing, sales and rental; management, operation and maintenance of MHI welfare facilities; entrusted management of property, etc.; management of nursing and personal care facilities, etc.; sale and mediation of commodities
Head office location:  5-34-6, Shiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Branch offices: Chubu, Kinki, Hiroshima and Nishinihon Offices
President: Kenichi Okubo (currently president of Ryoju Estate Co., Ltd.)
Capital: 250 million yen
Ownership: 100% owned by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.
Employees: approximately 2,000

About MHI Group

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) Group is one of the world’s leading industrial groups, spanning energy, smart infrastructure, industrial machinery, aerospace and defense. MHI Group combines cutting-edge technology with deep experience to deliver innovative, integrated solutions that help to realize a carbon neutral world, improve the quality of life and ensure a safer world. For more information, please visit or follow our insights and stories on