Press Information
MHI Group Employees and Family Members Participate in Annual Voluntary Cleaning Activities in Tokyo, including Komazawa Olympic Park
Since 2008, each year members of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.'s (MHI) Group companies have undertaken voluntary cleaning activities in their local areas in line with the Company's CSR (corporate social responsibility) Action Guidelines for forging solid ties both with the Earth and with society at large. In the 2014 business year, activities of this nature took place 204 times in locations all around Japan, with a total of some 7,238 employees and their family members participating.
In all, a total of 193 Group employees from 12 Group companies and family members participated in the activities, wearing matching bibs with the Group logo developed in May this year and the tagline "Move the world forward." After receiving explanation from park management office about the trees in the park and their characteristics at the nature observation meeting, the participants divided into four groups and picked up fallen leaves and garbage.
Participants commented, "This popular park has become cleaner thanks to our efforts, and I feel a greater attachment to it." "It was a very good opportunity for the children to learn and practice environmental and social contributions." "Thanks to the matching bibs I felt a sense of unity and responsibility as I participated in the activities while wearing the company name." and "I want these activities to continue every year in the future." Just as the message in the tagline and CSR Action Guidelines states, the activities gave impetus to moving the world in a better direction through the Group's comprehensive power recognizing environmental and local community problems.
We will report shortly on this year's 'Furusato Cleanup Events' held all over Japan.

Starting with a greeting

Nature observation with the park management office

Children in matching bibs listen carefully to the explanations

Cleaning activities

A total of 296 bags of fallen leaves were collected

Participants group photo (193 members)
About MHI Group
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) Group is one of the world’s leading industrial groups, spanning energy, smart infrastructure, industrial machinery, aerospace and defense. MHI Group combines cutting-edge technology with deep experience to deliver innovative, integrated solutions that help to realize a carbon neutral world, improve the quality of life and ensure a safer world. For more information, please visit or follow our insights and stories on