Press Information
Event Held in Mihara, Hiroshima Gives Visitors Firsthand Experience Riding High-Speed AGT and Other Trains
On November 5 MHI, as part of its program of activities conducted together with local companies, jointly held a special event in cooperation with the Hiroshima Branch of West Japan Railway Company (JR West) giving visitors a first-hand opportunity to experience riding a high-speed automated guideway transit (AGT)* and other transportation systems.
The event took place at the Wadaoki Plant of MHI's Mihara Machinery Works in Hiroshima Prefecture. The plant is where high-speed AGT and other new transit system carriages are manufactured, and also where running tests of various kinds are carried out using the MIHARA Test Center (MTC) on the same premises. The plant was open to the public for this special occasion.
The event was attended by more than 2,000 visitors. They were invited to ride on the MIHARA Liner test carriage-with some even given the opportunity to test-drive-and to experience riding on a high-speed AGT. Among many attractions arranged specially for children, they could experience what it is like to work as a train driver or conductor, and they could ride a mini Shinkansen provided by JR West as well as the Sunrise Izumo train. It was a fun experience for everyone.
Separately, at Mihara Station a parade of the high-speed AGT was held in conjunction with the 14th Mihara Ukishiro (Floating Castle) Festival. Here, visitors had an opportunity to see MHI's product up close.
Going forward, the MHI Group will continue to promote good communication with people living near its plants and other facilities as a way of deepening ties with its local communities and making local contributions.
* High-speed AGT (automated guideway transit): a high-speed transit system in which relatively small, lightweight railway carriages mounted on rubber tires move over dedicated guideway tracks
For further information on the high-speed AGT and MHI's other transportation systems:
The occupied MIHARA Liner on its test track
A visitor experiencing how to operate the MIHARA
Playing like a train
Making an announcement like a conductor
High-speed AGT parade setting out from Mihara
Test-riding the high-speed AGT
About MHI Group
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) Group is one of the world’s leading industrial groups, spanning energy, smart infrastructure, industrial machinery, aerospace and defense. MHI Group combines cutting-edge technology with deep experience to deliver innovative, integrated solutions that help to realize a carbon neutral world, improve the quality of life and ensure a safer world. For more information, please visit or follow our insights and stories on