Press Information
From August 22 through 24, nine teachers at elementary schools in Machida, a city in the outskirts of Tokyo, visited MHI as part of the 2018 "Business Training for Japanese School Teachers" program sponsored by Keizai Koho Center, also known in English as the Japan Institute for Social and Economic Affairs. The program arranges for Japanese elementary, junior high and high school teachers to undergo education and practical training at businesses primarily during their summer vacation period.
The first day was dedicated to an introduction to MHI Group's corporate activities at the Head Office in Shinagawa, with a focus on the various work performed by the Corporate Communication Department. The visitors first observed Group products and technologies at the "M's Square" showroom on the second floor. Next, a workshop was held relating to branding of public schools, with discussions concerning schools from society's perspective. In the afternoon, the visitors deepened their understanding of business activities through lectures pertaining to corporate human resource development and corporate management. The second day, the teachers paid a visit to Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Engine & Turbocharger, Ltd., located at the Sagamihara Machinery Works in Kanagawa Prefecture. Here, they viewed the workplaces where the latest advances in "monozukuri"-the traditional Japanese concept of craftsmanship-are performed, with employee input focused on safety first. This was followed by an exchange of opinions with employees in the manufacturing division, where both sides came to understand the similarities between instructing subordinate workers and educating children-both the difficulties and the pleasures. The third day, the teachers visited Mitsubishi Minatomirai Industrial Museum in Yokohama. Here, they deepened their understanding toward initiatives being taken by (MHI) companies to support the development of the next generation. The day ended with a summary and report on the three-day training program.
The participants offered a variety of comments on what they had experienced and learned from the program. One remarked on having learned what strengths will be necessary when today's children work in the world of tomorrow, adding that those lessons would be passed on to the children and to co-workers alike. Another teacher said that by learning about corporate activities, reconsideration of the objectives of education became possible. Another commented on being impressed by the pride and passion all employees demonstrated in performing their jobs. Our hope is that what the teachers acquired through this training program will be applied in educating the children of the next generation and in operating their schools.
Going forward, MHI Group will continue to support the development of the next generation in various ways in keeping with its commitment, delineated in the CSR Action Guidelines, to "inspire the future."

About MHI Group
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) Group is one of the world’s leading industrial groups, spanning energy, smart infrastructure, industrial machinery, aerospace and defense. MHI Group combines cutting-edge technology with deep experience to deliver innovative, integrated solutions that help to realize a carbon neutral world, improve the quality of life and ensure a safer world. For more information, please visit or follow our insights and stories on