Press Information
New Employees at Sagamihara Manufacturing Works Conduct Local "Corporate Forestry Program" Activities
On February 3, a group of 18 employees at the Sagamihara Machinery Works in Kanagawa Prefecture who joined MHI this fiscal year undertook "Corporate Forestry Program" activities at a forest located in Nagatake in Sagamihara's Midori-ku. The program is regularly conducted as part of the Company's CSR activities.
The employees who participated wrote of their impressions after the event. "I was happy to be able to perform tree thinning, getting a rare experience in something I normally wouldn't be able to do," said one. "I learned the importance not only of planting trees, but of cutting trees also," wrote another. Another employee stated that he felt that through what he had done, he had been able to make a contribution to creating a more livable society and to protecting the area’s natural environment.
The Sagamihara Manufacturing Works regularly conducts these activities with the aim of raising employees' awareness toward environmental protection, as part of the "Kanagawa Water Source Forestry Program" organized by Kanagawa Prefecture, an initiative in which the Works serves as a partner. Similar activities have been held 21 times in total since 2009. This fiscal year, MHI also took part on September 12 and October 26, making for a total of 68 Group employees and their family members participating this year.
The MHI Group will continue to proactively engage in community-based social contribution activities based on the CSR Action Guidelines "Care for the planet" and "Create a more harmonious society."

First experience at tree thinning

After tree thinning, receiving a forestry instructor's explanation
Group photo of the participating new employees
About MHI Group
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) Group is one of the world’s leading industrial groups, spanning energy, smart infrastructure, industrial machinery, aerospace and defense. MHI Group combines cutting-edge technology with deep experience to deliver innovative, integrated solutions that help to realize a carbon neutral world, improve the quality of life and ensure a safer world. For more information, please visit or follow our insights and stories on