CSR News 2024FY News Release 2025-03-14 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Carbon Neutral ][ Energy Transition ][ Ship & Ocean ]Approval in Principle (AiP) for the Basic Design of a Large Ammonia-Fueled Ammonia Carrier Obtained from Classification Society 2025-03-12 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Carbon Neutral ][ Energy Transition ][ Energy ]MHIET Achieves Rated Operation of a 6-Cylinder 500kW-class Hydrogen Engine Generator Set -- Demonstration Tests at Company's Sagamihara Plant -- 2025-02-28 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Management & Finance ][ Carbon Neutral ][ Energy Transition ]MHI Concludes Positive Impact Finance Agreement 2025-02-18 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Carbon Neutral ][ Energy ]Osaka Gas and MHI Launch CO₂NNEX® Digital Platform for Management and Transfer of Clean Gas Certificates for e-Methane, for Use during Expo 2025 2025-02-05 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Carbon Neutral ][ Energy Transition ][ Ship & Ocean ]Approval in Principle (AiP) Acquired from Classification Society for Low-Pressure Type Coastal Liquefied CO₂ Carrier -- Target Set on Realizing Domestic CCS Business -- 2025-01-30 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Living & Leisure ]MHI Thermal Systems Receives 2024 Agency for Natural Resources and Energy Commissioner's Award from ECCJ for TEJ35AM Electric-Driven Transport Refrigeration Unit Integrated with Isuzu's ELF EV -- Leading to Reduction in Environmental Impact -- 2024-12-26 [ Press ][ sustainability ]MHI Included in "World Index" of Dow Jones Sustainability Index for Second Consecutive Year -- Selection Based on Company's Excellent ESG Investment Criteria -- 2024-12-13 [ Press ][ sustainability ]MHI Group Issues its "SUSTAINABILITY DATABOOK 2024" 2024-12-03 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Living & Leisure ]MHI Thermal Systems Receives "Minister of the Environment Award for Climate Action 2024" -- For Development of Large-Capacity Centrifugal Chillers Adopting a Low-GWP Refrigerant -- 2024-11-29 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Carbon Neutral ][ Energy Transition ][ Energy ]Launch of Demonstration Test for CO2 Capture from Chemical Recovery Boilers at Paper Mills in Japan -- Using CO2MPACT™ Mobile to Contribute to the Decarbonization of the Pulp and Paper Industry -- 2024-11-20 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Carbon Neutral ][ Infrastructure ]Start of Demonstration Test of Two-Phase Direct-to-Chip Cooling in the Air-Cooled Data Center -- Selected for the Tokyo Metropolitan Government's Bureau of Industrial and Labor Affairs' Support Project for Early Social Implementation Aimed at Creating GX-Related Industries -- 2024-10-15 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Carbon Neutral ][ Energy ]Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Invests in Koloma, a US-Based Geologic Hydrogen Exploration Startup 2024-10-01 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Carbon Neutral ]"Wadaoki Forest" at the Mihara Machinery Works Certified as "Nationally Certified Sustainably Managed Natural Site" by Ministry of the Environment 2024-09-25 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Carbon Neutral ][ Energy ]Osaka Gas and MHI to Implement the CO2NNEX® Digital Platform for Managing and Transferring the Environmental Value of e-Methane at Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan 2024-09-19 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Carbon Neutral ][ Energy Transition ][ Energy ]Renewal of Compact CO2 Capture System "CO2MPACT™" Series -- Releasing a New Model that Adopts Full-Module Concept for Mass Production as a Middle-Size Class -- 2024-09-18 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Carbon Neutral ][ Energy Transition ][ Ship & Ocean ]Approval in Principle (AiP) Acquired from Two Classification Societies for Low-Pressure Type Liquefied CO2 Carriers undergoing Pursuit of Standardization toward Realization of Large-Scale International Transportation from 2028 onwards 2024-09-04 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Carbon Neutral ][ Energy Transition ]Seven Companies Announce to Conduct Engineering Design Work for Japanese Advanced CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage) Project 2024-08-30 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Management & Finance ][ Carbon Neutral ][ Energy Transition ]MHI Priced Third Series Transition Bond 2024-08-27 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Carbon Neutral ][ Energy Transition ][ Ship & Ocean ]Joint Study to Establish Standard Specifications and Designs for LCO2 Carriers in Japan Towards Large-Scale International Marine Transport of Liquefied CO2 by 2028 2024-08-07 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Carbon Neutral ][ Energy Transition ][ Energy ]Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and Taiwan Fertilizer Sign MoU for Joint Study on Developing Fuel Ammonia Value Chain in Taiwan 2024-08-02 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Management & Finance ][ Carbon Neutral ][ Energy Transition ]MHI Revises Green/Transition Finance Framework and Issues The Third Series of MHI Transition Bonds 2024-07-12 [ Press ][ sustainability ]MHI Selected for Inclusion in Two ESG Investment Indices: "FTSE Blossom Japan Index" and "FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index" 2024-07-08 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Carbon Neutral ][ Energy Transition ]World-first Trial of New Technology to Recycle CO2 Emissions from Steel Production Begins at ArcelorMittal Gent, Belgium 2024-06-28 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Carbon Neutral ][ Energy Transition ][ Ship & Ocean ]Amogy and Mitsubishi Shipbuilding Have Completed a Feasibility Study of Ammonia Supply System for Ammonia-Powered Maritime Solution 2024-06-05 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Energy ]MHI and EGAT sign MoU to Introduce Hydrogen Large Gas Turbine Co-firing Technology in Thailand to Achieve Net Zero Goals 2024-05-29 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Carbon Neutral ][ Energy Transition ][ Energy ]Hydrogen Engine Generator Set Ready for In-house Evaluation 2024-05-27 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Carbon Neutral ]Idemitsu Kosan, ENEOS, Toyota, and MHI Commence Study toward Introduction and Spread of Carbon-Neutral Fuels for Automobiles 2024-05-21 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Carbon Neutral ][ Energy Transition ]Trial Carbon Capture Unit Begins Operating on Blast Furnace at ArcelorMittal Gent, Belgium 2024-05-07 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Carbon Neutral ][ Energy Transition ][ Energy ]MHI Agrees to Collaborate with Chiyoda Corporation for Licensing of CO2 Capture Technologies -- Partnership Will Strengthen MHI's Position in Japan's Growing CCUS Market -- 2024-04-25 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Energy ]MHI Begins Operation of SOEC Test Module the Next-Generation High-Efficiency Hydrogen Production Technology at Takasago Hydrogen Park -- The Path to Higher Output and Greater Capacity -- 2024-04-18 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Energy ]Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and NGK to Jointly Develop Hydrogen Purification System from Ammonia Cracking Gas -- Joint Project Aims to Promote Early Real-World Use of Hydrogen as a Clean Fuel and Feedstock for Chemical -- 2023FY News Release 2024-03-29 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Management & Finance ][ Carbon Neutral ][ Energy Transition ]MHI Concludes Positive Impact Finance Agreement 2024-03-12 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Carbon Neutral ][ Energy Transition ][ Energy ]MHI Selected as Licensor of CO2 Capture Technology for Leading Low Carbon Hydrogen Production Project in Cheshire, UK 2024-03-08 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Energy ]PTT and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Asia Pacific to Explore 100% Ammonia Gas Turbine Powered Generation in Thailand 2024-02-22 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Carbon Neutral ][ Energy Transition ][ Ship & Ocean ]Mitsubishi Shipbuilding Completes Basic Design of Ammonia Fuel Supply System for Marine Engines under Development by WinGD 2024-02-21 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Management & Finance ][ Carbon Neutral ][ Energy Transition ][ Smart Infrastructure ]MHI Group Presents "Best Innovation 2023" Awards for Activities that Contribute to Protecting the Environment -- Awards Aim to Help in Achieving a Sustainable Society by Adding Momentum to Growth Areas -- 2024-02-19 [ Press ][ sustainability ]MHI Recognized by CDP as Being at the Leadership Level for Climate Change Earning A- score 2024-02-09 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Management & Finance ][ Carbon Neutral ][ Energy Transition ]MHI Concludes Nissay Positive Impact Finance Agreement 2023-12-27 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Carbon Neutral ][ Energy Transition ][ Ship & Ocean ]Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is Signed on Collaborative Study for Ocean-Going Liquified CO2 Carriers toward the Realization of Large-Scale International Transportation from 2028 onwards 2023-12-25 [ Press ][ sustainability ]MHI Group Issues its SUSTAINABILITY DATABOOK 2023 2023-12-20 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Industrial Machinery ]MHI Thermal Systems Receives "The Energy Conservation Center, Japan Chairman's Award" in the "Best Practice Category" of the 2023 Energy Conservation Grand Prize -- Award Presented for Measures to Eliminate Boilers at a Company Plant Through Conversion to Industrial Heat Pumps -- 2023-12-18 [ Press ][ sustainability ]MHI Included in "World Index" of Dow Jones Sustainability Index for the First Time -- Selection Based on Company's Excellent ESG Investment Criteria -- 2023-12-08 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Carbon Neutral ]MHI and ADNOC Sign Agreement to Explore Low Carbon Collaboration Opportunities to Build Blue NH3 and Blue H2 Value Chains 2023-12-08 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Smart Infrastructure ][ Material Handling ]MHI and Mitsubishi Logisnext Receive First Order from Kirin Group for an Automated Picking Solution 2023-12-01 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Carbon Neutral ][ Energy ]GC Collaborates with MHI to explore the utilization of hydrogen, ammonia and CCS technology to develop a large-scale petrochemical plant to achieve Net Zero 2023-11-30 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Energy ]Mitsubishi Power Successfully Operates an Advanced Class Gas Turbine with 30% Hydrogen Fuel Co-Firing at Grid-Connected T-Point 2 2023-11-28 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Carbon Neutral ][ Energy Transition ][ Ship & Ocean ]Mitsubishi Shipbuilding Holds Christening and Handover Ceremony in Shimonoseki for Demonstration Test Ship for Liquefied CO2 Transport -- New Vessel "EXCOOL" to Contribute to Protecting the Global Environment -- 2023-11-28 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Energy Transition ][ Energy ]MHI Succeeded Combustion Test of Ammonia Single-Fuel Burners -- Promoting the Energy Transition with CO2 Emission Reduction Technologies for Existing Thermal Power Plants -- 2023-11-27 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Energy ]MHI and Orica Announce Collaboration to Explore Emissions Reduction Opportunities 2023-11-09 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Carbon Neutral ][ Energy Transition ][ Energy ]Evero partners with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries on Carbon Capture technology for BECCS project in UK's North-West 2023-11-09 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Carbon Neutral ][ Energy Transition ][ Energy ]MHI Selected as Technology Licensor for EET Industrial Carbon Capture Targeting UK's First Low Carbon Refinery 2023-11-08 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Management & Finance ]MHI Publishes Integrated Report "MHI Report 2023" 2023-11-08 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Carbon Neutral ][ Energy Transition ][ Energy ]MHI Completes Delivery of Compact CO2 Capture System CO2MPACT™ to NGK Insulators -- World's First Application in the Ceramic Manufacturing Process, Contributing to CO2 Reduction Needs in Various Industrial Fields -- 2023-11-01 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Carbon Neutral ][ Energy Transition ][ Nuclear Related ]Japan and U.S.-based TerraPower expand SFR development partnership to support carbon neutrality efforts -- Agreement will allow for collaboration on advanced nuclear technology design and demonstration. -- 2023-11-01 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Carbon Neutral ][ Energy Transition ][ Energy ]MHIET Achieves Stable Combustion of up to 50 vol% Hydrogen on Single Cylinder Test Engine 2023-10-31 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Carbon Neutral ][ Energy Transition ]Japan-U.S.-based cooperation on sodium-cooled fast reactor technology that will contribute to carbon neutrality efforts -- Expand of MOU between TerraPower -- 2023-10-25 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Carbon Neutral ][ Industrial Machinery ][ Living & Leisure ]Establishment of a Social Corporation Program for Smart Building Systems by the University of Tokyo and Nine Private Business Entities 2023-10-16 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Carbon Neutral ][ Energy Transition ][ Energy ]MHI Group Launches Joint Demonstration Testing of CO2 Liquefaction for CO2 Handling to Expand CCUS Application 2023-10-12 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Energy ][Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Engine & Turbocharger, Ltd.]MHIET Approves Use of HVO for Engines for All Applications 2023-10-10 [ Press ][ Management & Finance ][ sustainability ][ Energy ]MHI Invests in Syzygy Plasmonics to Advance Hydrogen Production and CO2 Utilization -- Syzygy's Proprietary Technology Uses Light instead of Combustion to Power Industrial Processes, Accelerating Decarbonization in the Chemical Industry -- 2023-10-05 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Smart Infrastructure ][ Infrastructure ]MHI to Provide the "ΣSynX Supervision" Remote Monitoring Service as a Digital Innovation Brand -- Full-Scale Implementation for Compact CO2 Capture Systems and Transportation Systems -- 2023-10-05 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Smart Infrastructure ]ΣSynX "Smart Connections" Provides Solutions for the Various Challenges Facing Society 2023-10-03 [ Press ][ Management & Finance ][ sustainability ][ Smart Infrastructure ]MHI Completes Acquisition of Concentric, LLC -- New North American Structure Launches to Handle Data Center Expansion and Electrification of Social Infrastructure -- 2023-10-02 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Carbon Neutral ][ Ship & Ocean ]Mitsubishi Shipbuilding Delivers LNG Fuel Gas Supply System (FGSS) for LNG-fueled Car Carriers Built by Shin Kurushima Dockyard Co., Ltd. 2023-09-29 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Ship & Ocean ]PHOENIX HARMONIA, A Very Large LPG/Ammonia Carrier Constructed by Namura Shipbuilding, Enters into Service -- Mitsubishi Shipbuilding Contributed to the Vessel's Successful Completion under a Technical Agreement with Namura -- 2023-09-20 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Carbon Neutral ][ Energy ]Takasago Hydrogen Park, the World's First Integrated Validation Facility for Technologies from Hydrogen Production to Power Generation, Enters Full-Scale Operation -- Electrolysis Hydrogen Production Begins -- 2023-09-15 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Carbon Neutral ][ Energy Transition ][ Energy ]SBM Offshore and MHI Sign Partnership Agreement for FPSO CO2 Capture Solution 2023-09-14 [ Press ][ sustainability ]MHI Becomes a Full Member of the Japan Center for Engagement and Remedy on Business and Human Rights (JaCER) -- Efforts to Respect the Human Rights of all Stakeholders will be Strengthened through the Engagement and Remedy Platform -- 2023-09-12 [ Press ][ Industrial Machinery ][ Smart Infrastructure ][ sustainability ]MHI-MS Receives an Order for Millimeter-Wave Suppression Equipment from the Japan Automobile Research Institute -- Contributing to Automobile Development by Leveraging Extensive Experience in Test Equipment Integration Technology -- 2023-09-11 [ Press ][ Nuclear Related ][ Carbon Neutral ][ Energy Transition ][ sustainability ]FirstElement Fuel Inc. and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. Complete the Reliability Testing of MHI's 90 MPa Class Liquid Hydrogen Pump (LH2 Pump) through the Long-Term Durability Test, Launching the LH2 Pump into the Markets 2023-08-25 [ Press ][ Carbon Neutral ][ Energy Transition ][ sustainability ][ Management & Finance ]MHI Priced Second Series Transition Bond -- Move Will Help Achieve Company's "Net Zero" by 2040, Toward Realizing a Carbon Neutral Society -- 2023-08-24 [ Press ][ Carbon Neutral ][ Energy Transition ][ Nuclear Related ][ sustainability ]MHI Completes Final TF Coil for ITER -- Steady progress supporting the start of operations of the experimental fusion reactor, a large-scale international project -- 2023-08-21 [ Press ][ Carbon Neutral ][ Ship & Ocean ][ Energy Transition ][ sustainability ]Mitsubishi Shipbuilding Begins Demonstration Testing to Support the Market Launch of the MAmmoSS® Ammonia Handling System for Ships 2023-08-21 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Carbon Neutral ][ Energy Transition ][ Energy ]Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and Nippon Shokubai Conclude Agreement on Joint Development of an Ammonia Cracking System -- Project Aimed at Expanding Use of Hydrogen and Ammonia -- 2023-08-17 [ Press ][ Energy ][ Carbon Neutral ][ Energy Transition ][ sustainability ]Heidelberg Materials North America and MHI Are Working Toward First Full-Scale Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage Solution for Cement Industry 2023-08-17 [ Press ][ Energy ][ Carbon Neutral ][ Energy Transition ][ sustainability ]MHI Invests in Advanced Ionics, a U.S. Startup, to Enhance and Diversify the Hydrogen Value Chain 2023-08-10 [ Press ][ Carbon Neutral ][ Energy Transition ][ Energy ][ sustainability ]Compact CO2 Capture System Receives "Award By The Japan Electrical Manufacturers' Association" at the Machine Design Award IDEA -- Aim to Enhance Presence of "CO2MPACT" and Further Expand Business Opportunities to the World -- 2023-08-07 [ Press ][ Carbon Neutral ][ Energy ][ sustainability ]MHI Inaugurates Operations at "Nagasaki Carbon Neutral Park," A Development Base for Energy Decarbonization Technologies 2023-08-02 [ Press ][ Carbon Neutral ][ Energy Transition ][ sustainability ]Seven Companies Announce to Conduct a Joint Study on Japanese Advanced CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage) Project 2023-07-28 [ Press ][ Carbon Neutral ][ Energy Transition ][ sustainability ][ Environment ][ Energy ]Launch of Demonstration Experiment for CO2 Capture from Waste-to-Energy Plant Flue Gas for Use in Methanation -- Joint Project by the City of Yokohama, Tokyo Gas, and MHI Group to Establish a CCU Chain Based on Regional Cooperation -- 2023-07-28 [ Press ][ Carbon Neutral ][ Energy Transition ][ sustainability ][ Management & Finance ]MHI to Issue The Second Series of Transition Bonds -- Move Will Help Achieve Company's "Net Zero" by 2040, Toward Realizing a Carbon Neutral Society -- 2023-07-25 [ Press ][ Carbon Neutral ][ Energy Transition ][ Nuclear Related ][ sustainability ]MHI Selected as Core Company for Development of an HTGR Demonstration Reactor -- Company to Proactively Pursue R&D and Design Aimed at Construction of a Demonstration Reactor in the 2030s -- 2023-07-21 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Ship & Ocean ]Participating in the Second Stage of the Nippon Foundation MEGURI2040 Fully Autonomous Ship Project for Social Implementation 2023-07-18 [ Press ][ Carbon Neutral ][ Ship & Ocean ][ sustainability ]Establishment of the "Promotion Council for Zero Emission Chargers for Ships - Aiming for the Widespread Use of Standardized Shore-to-Ship Power Stations - 2023-07-13 [ Press ][ Management & Finance ][ Smart Infrastructure ][ sustainability ]MHI Concludes MOU with FNT of Germany to Provide Integrated Management Software for Data Centers 2023-07-13 [ Press ][ Carbon Neutral ][ Ship & Ocean ][ sustainability ]Mitsubishi Shipbuilding Receives Order for 12 Units of LNG Fuel Gas Supply System (FGSS) -- For LNG-fueled Vessels to Be Built by Imabari Shipbuilding Group, Including Car Carriers and also Bulk Carriers -- 2023-07-12 [ Press ][ Carbon Neutral ][ Energy Transition ][ Ship & Ocean ][ sustainability ]Mitsubishi Shipbuilding Holds Christening and Launch Ceremony in Shimonoseki for LNG Bunkering Vessel KEYS Azalea 2023-07-12 [ Press ][ Carbon Neutral ][ Energy Transition ][ Nuclear Related ][ sustainability ]MHI Selected as Core Company in Charge of Design and Development of Government-Promoted Demonstration Fast Reactor -- Will Undertake Conceptual Design and R&D of Sodium Fast Reactor, Toward Operation in 2040s -- 2023-07-12 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Carbon Neutral ][ Energy Transition ][ Energy ]Port of Newcastle and MHI Announce Clean Energy Partnerships Enabling Port of The Future in Newcastle 2023-07-07 [ Press ][ Management & Finance ][ Smart Infrastructure ][ sustainability ]MHI Acquires Concentric, LLC: The North American Leader in Power Management Solutions for Material Handling, Data Center and Utility Customers - Agreement Signed to Purchase 100% of Concentric - 2023-07-06 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Carbon Neutral ][ Energy Transition ][ Energy ]MHIET to Install 100% Hydrogen Engine Generator Set for In-house Evaluation 2023-07-05 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Carbon Neutral ][ Energy Transition ][ Living & Leisure ]MHIAE Earns "2023 Company of the Year" Award to be Identified as the Best in Class in the European Commercial Heat Pumps Industry -- High Marks to Meet Europe's Demand for Low-Carbon, Energy-Efficient, and Cost-Effective Water Heating Solutions from the Regional, Commercial, and Industrial Sectors -- 2023-06-29 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Carbon Neutral ][ Energy Transition ][ Energy ]MHI Hosts Successful CO2 Capture Plants User Conference in Bahrain -- Reflect Customer Feedback for Further Enhancement of Technologies, Performance, and Services -- 2023-06-29 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Carbon Neutral ][ Energy Transition ][ Ship & Ocean ]Mitsubishi Shipbuilding and NYK Line Obtain Approval in Principle (AiP) from Japan's Classification Society ClassNK for Ammonia and LCO2 Carrier 2023-06-27 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Industrial Machinery ]【Primetals Technologies, Ltd.】LanzaTech and Primetals Technologies renew 10-year cooperation to advance industry transition to green steel 2023-06-15 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Industrial Machinery ]【Primetals Technologies, Ltd.】Primetals Technologies and Hydnum Steel join forces for new green steel production plant in Spain 2023-06-07 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Energy ]MHI Inks MoU with TNB Genco on Clean Energy Technologies to Drive Decarbonization in Malaysia 2023-06-05 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Carbon Neutral ][ Energy Transition ][ Ship & Ocean ]Mitsubishi Shipbuilding to Launch Technical Studies on Ammonia Fuel Supply System for Marine Engines under Development by WinGD -- MOU Signed Toward Achieving IMO Target for Reducing Maritime Industry's GHG Emissions -- 2023-05-31 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Transportation ]Continuation of Maintenance of Manila MRT-3 in the Philippines Contributing to Solving Social Issues in the Philippines with Highly Reliable Maintenance Service 2023-05-25 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Living & Leisure ]MHI Thermal Systems to Release Fully Revamped 3HP Model in “HyperInverter” Series of Packaged Air-Conditioners for Domestic Market -- New Unit Achieves Significant Improvements in Installation Flexibility and Weight Reduction for Commercial and Office Applications -- 2023-05-24 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Carbon Neutral ][ Energy Transition ][ Ship & Ocean ]Mitsubishi Shipbuilding Completes Delivery of Ammonia Fuel Supply System for Large, Low-Speed Two Stroke Marine Engines 2023-05-22 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Carbon Neutral ][ Energy Transition ][ Ship & Ocean ]Mitsubishi Shipbuilding and Nihon Shipyard Launch Joint Study for Development of an Ocean-Going LCO2 Carrier -- Project Utilizing the Strengths and Knowledge of Both Companies to Support the Emerging Era of Large-Scale Marine Transport of CO2 -- 2023-05-09 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Transportation ]MHI Receives Follow-up Order for 8 Two-Car Trains for Sengkang-Punggol LRT (SPLRT) -- Additional 16 Cars to Boost Capacity of SPLRT Serving Sengkang and Punggol Districts -- 2023-04-27 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Carbon Neutral ][ Energy Transition ][ Energy ]MHI Agrees to Collaborate with Saipem, One of Europe’s Leading Engineering Companies on CO2 Capture Technologies -- The Company’s Global CCUS Strategy Will be Advanced with a Project Partner in Europe and the Middle East etc.-- 2023-04-25 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Industrial Machinery ]【Primetals Technologies, Ltd.】Remarkable performance figures from Primetals Technologies’ electric steelmaking plants in China 2023-04-21 [ Press ][ sustainability ]MHI Group Issues Declaration on Biodiversity -- Declaration Identifies Initiatives for Conserving and Restoring Biodiversity and Natural Capital, to Realize a World that Lives in Harmony with Nature -- 2023-04-18 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Industrial Machinery ]MHI-AC&R Receives Excellence Award of JARAC’s 40th Excellent Energy Saving Equipment Awards -- Award Presented for Energy Saving Reaped by Existing DBS Refrigeration Unit Through Use of Brine Inverter Centrifugal Chiller -- 2023-04-06 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Environment ]MHIEC Receives Order to Rebuild a Waste-to-Energy Plant in Kita City, Tokyo -- Two Units of Mitsubishi Advanced Forward Acting Stoker System (V-Type Stoker) with High Environmental Performance, First Installation in Japan -- 2022FY News Release 2023-03-27 [ sustainability ]Educational Manga Prepared as Teaching Tool for school child: “The Secrets of SDGs – Affordable and Clean Energy” -- Now Available in an English-Language Version -- 2022-12-28 [ Press ][ sustainability ]MHI Included in Dow Jones Sustainability Asia Pacific Index for Sixth Consecutive Year -- Selection Based on ESG Investment Criteria -- 2022-12-20 [ sustainability ]MHI Publishes “ESG DATABOOK 2022” 2022-08-04 [ Press ][ sustainability ][ Management & Finance ]MHI Group Signs Sponsorship Agreement with Thailand’s Muangthong United Football Club -- Support for Next-Generation Player Development and Other Team Activities, Contributing to Growth in the Asian Region -- 2022-07-13 [ Press ][ sustainability ]MHI Receives MSCI’s ESG Rating of “AA” for the First Time -- High Assessment of the Company’s ESG Initiatives -- 2021FY News Release 2022-02-28 [ sustainability ]MHI Receives Silver Rating in EcoVadis 2022 Sustainability Survey for Third Consecutive Time 2021-12-17 [ sustainability ][ Information ]Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.MHI Publishes “ESG DATABOOK 2021” 2021-11-19 [ sustainability ]MHI Included in Dow Jones Sustainability Asia Pacific Index for Fifth Consecutive Year 2021-07-29 [ sustainability ][ Others ]"Tanegashima Loggerhead Sea Turtle Survey 2021" Takes Place amid Covid Restrictions -- Data Acquired on Homing Cycles for Nesting, etc., to Gain Understanding of Sea Turtle Ecology -- 2021-04-27 [ sustainability ][ Others ]The 27th Session of the CSR Committee 2020FY News Release 2021-03-30 [ sustainability ][ Others ]Improving Education for Children in Thailand MHI Keeps Building Close Ties with Society 2021-03-09 [ sustainability ][ Others ]MHI Group Holds Online Special Talk Show on "The Connection between Loggerhead Sea Turtles and Rockets " 2021-03-02 [ sustainability ][ Others ]MHI Donates Shape-memory Eating Utensils under Matching Gift Program 2021-01-07 [ sustainability ][ Others ]The 26th Session of the CSR Committee 2020-10-20 [ sustainability ][ Others ]MHI Again Receives EcoVadis Silver Rating for Overall Sustainability -- SDGs Initiatives Recognized for Second Year in a Row -- 2020-10-20 [ sustainability ]The 25th Session of the CSR Committee 2020-09-29 [ sustainability ]How MHI Group is Supporting Protection of Biodiversity: "The "Tanegashima Loggerhead Sea Turtle Survey" and What It Accomplishes" has been posted. 2020-04-06 [ sustainability ]MHI Group Employees Serve as Volunteers at Shiki Theatre Company's "Theater of the Heart" Performances in 2019 2019FY News Release 2020-03-09 [ sustainability ]MHI Donates Shape-memory Eating Utensils under Matching Gift Program 2020-03-04 [ sustainability ]MHI Group Holds "Minatomirai Aerospace Classroom" at Mitsubishi Minatomirai Industrial Museum 2020-02-28 [ sustainability ]MHI Group Holds Special Talk Showon "The Connection between Rockets and Loggerhead Sea Turtles" 2020-01-22 [ sustainability ]MHI Thermal Systems Conducts Science Classes on Temperature Alteration at Two Elementary Schools in Kiyosu, Aichi 2020-01-21 [ sustainability ]MHI Group Hosts "Kids Sketch Contest" in Nagasaki 2020-01-21 [ sustainability ]MHI Employees Teach a Science Class to Elementary School Students in Akunoura, Nagasaki 2020-01-20 [ sustainability ]The 23rd Session of the CSR Committee 2020-01-16 [ sustainability ]Local Elementary School Students Participate in Plant Tour and Science Class at Mihara Machinery Works 2020-01-06 [ sustainability ]Exhibition and Sale of Fukushima Products Held at the Marunouchi Head Office 2019-12-27 [ sustainability ]MHI Employees Teach a Science Class in Hiroshima about Airplanes, Using Paper Models of the Boeing 787 2019-12-17 [ sustainability ]MHI Shikoku Office Holds "Satoumi Tour" to Promote Understanding of Need for Environmental Protection in Coastal Areas 2019-12-10 [ sustainability ]MHI Invites Elementary School Students to "Tobishima Aerospace Classroom 2019" in Aichi 2019-12-02 [ sustainability ]MHI Group Employees Teach a Science Class on Rockets to Students of Mihara Elementary School in Mihara, Hiroshima 2019-11-20 [ sustainability ]MHI Group Holds Science Class on Making Electricity at Mitsubishi Minatomirai Industrial Museum 2019-11-20 [ sustainability ]After-School Rugby Classes Held in Sagamihara 2019-10-16 [ sustainability ]MHI Group Holds Science Class on Power Generation and Energy at Mitsubishi Minatomirai Industrial Museum, for Local Sixth Graders 2019-09-30 [ sustainability ]MHI Invites Elementary School Students to "MHI Tanegashima Aerospace Classroom 2019" 2019-09-27 [ sustainability ]MHI Hosts Participants in 2019 “Business Training for Japanese School Teachers” Program 2019-09-20 [ sustainability ]MHI Holds "28th MHI Summer School" in Kobe 2019-09-20 [ sustainability ]“Summer Vacation Junior Science Class” Held in Shimonoseki 2019-08-08 [ sustainability ]MHI Invites Ashinaga Families on an Urawa Reds Cheering Tour 2019-07-26 [ sustainability ]Employees Participated as Volunteers in This Year's "Tanegashima Loggerhead Sea Turtle Survey" 2019-07-11 [ sustainability ]11th "Let's Run with the MHPS Marathon Club" Event was Held in May 2019-06-28 [ sustainability ]Bridge to Tomorrow Project 2019" Conducted in Mihara, Hiroshima Prefecture 2019-05-08 [ sustainability ]MHIET Co-hosts "1st Date City Tag Rugby Festival" in Fukushima 2019-04-26 [ sustainability ][ Others ]MHI Receives EcoVadis Silver Rating for Overall Sustainability 2019-04-26 [ sustainability ]MHI Employees Teach a Science Class to Elementary School Students in Ibigawa Town, Gifu Prefecture 2019-04-04 [ sustainability ]Local Children Learn about "Monozukuri" at the Hiroshima Machinery Works 2019-04-04 [ sustainability ]After-School Rugby Classes Held in Sagamihara 2018FY News Release 2019-03-19 [ sustainability ]MHI Group Employees Serve as Volunteers at Shiki Theatre Company's "Theater of the Heart" Performances in February 2019-03-19 [ sustainability ]Elementary School Students Participate in Plant Tour and Science Class at Mihara Machinery Works 2019-03-05 [ sustainability ]New Employees at Sagamihara Machinery Works Participate in "Corporate Forestry Program" Activities 2019-02-22 [ Management & Finance ][ sustainability ]MHI Selected for Inclusion in All Four GPIF ESG Investment Indices -- High Acclaim Accorded to Initiatives Relating to Environment, Social, and Corporate Governance Issues -- 2019-02-08 [ sustainability ]MHI Group Employees Serve as Volunteers at Shiki Theatre Company's "Theater of the Heart" Performances in January 2019-02-08 [ sustainability ]Science Class Held in Kobe on Connections between Rocket Launches and Loggerhead Turtles 2019-02-04 [ sustainability ]DynaBoars Hold Tag Rugby Class in Sagamihara 2019-01-30 [ sustainability ]MHI Thermal Systems Conducts Science Classes on Temperature Alteration at Two Elementary Schools in Kiyosu, Aichi 2019-01-24 [ sustainability ]MHI Group Employees Serve as Volunteers at Shiki Theatre Company's "Theater of the Heart" Performances in Hiroshima Prefecture 2019-01-10 [ sustainability ]Exhibition and Sale of Fukushima Products Held at the Shinagawa Head Office 2019-01-10 [ sustainability ]MHI Donates Shape-memory Eating Utensils under Matching Gift Program 2019-01-10 [ sustainability ]MHI Group Employees Serve as Volunteers at Shiki Theatre Company's "Theater of the Heart" Performances in Osaka and Yokohama 2018-12-25 [ sustainability ]MHI Employees Teach a Science Class in Hiroshima about Airplanes, Using Paper Models of the Boeing 787 2018-12-25 [ sustainability ]MHI Employees Teach a Science Class at Enoura Elementary School in Shimonoseki on How to Make a Pop-pop Boat that Goes Fast 2018-11-27 [ sustainability ]MHI Invites Elementary School Students to "Tobishima Aerospace Classroom 2018" in Aichi 2018-11-27 [ sustainability ]Science Class on Rockets Held at Hongo Elementary School in Mihara, Hiroshima 2018-11-15 [ sustainability ]New Employees at Sagamihara Machinery Works Participate in "Corporate Forestry Program" Activities in the Local Nagatake Forest 2018-11-15 [ sustainability ]MHI Group Employees Serve as Volunteers at Shiki Theatre Company's "Theater of the Heart" Performances in Nagoya and Fukuoka 2018-10-18 [ sustainability ]MHI Invites Elementary School Students to "MHI Tanegashima Aerospace Classroom 2018" 2018-10-12 [ sustainability ]MHI Group Employees Serve as Volunteers at Shiki Theatre Company's"Theater of the Heart" Performances in Sendai 2018-10-03 [ sustainability ]MHI Holds "27th MHI Summer School" in Kobe 2018-10-03 [ sustainability ]Employees and Family Members Participate in Nature Appreciation Activities in Yadoriki Forest, Kanagawa 2018-09-28 [ sustainability ]Urawa Reds Heart-Full Club Holds "Heart-Full Soccer in Asia" 2018-09-19 [ sustainability ]Employees Participated as Volunteers in This Year's "Tanegashima Loggerhead Sea Turtle Survey," Examining Newly Spawned Turtles 2018-09-18 [ sustainability ]MHI Hosts Participants in 2018 "Business Training for Japanese School Teachers" Program 2018-09-18 [ sustainability ]Summer Vacation Junior Science Class Held in Shimonoseki 2018-09-18 [ sustainability ]"Hitachi-Mitsubishi Science Class" Held in Hiroshima 2018-09-14 [ Management & Finance ][ Others ][ sustainability ]MHI Included in Dow Jones Sustainability Asia Pacific Index for Second Consecutive Year 2018-09-14 [ sustainability ]Science Class on Rockets and Airplanes Held in Fukushima 2018-09-14 [ sustainability ]MHPS Conducts Summer School Class for Young Students in Takasago City, Hyogo Prefecture 2018-09-03 [ sustainability ]Students from Tsukuba's Namiki Secondary School Visit the Head Office in Shinagawa 2018-08-29 [ sustainability ]MHPS Participates in "Science Fair 2018" in Kanagawa, Targeted at Junior High and High School Students 2018-08-29 [ sustainability ]144 Visitors are Given a Tour of the Nagasaki Shipyard & Machinery Works 2018-08-09 [ sustainability ]Employees Participated as Volunteers in This Year's "Tanegashima Loggerhead Sea Turtle Survey" 2018-07-27 [ sustainability ]MHI Group's TFT Activities Are Introduced at an Activity Report Meeting in Osaka 2018-07-23 [ sustainability ]"DynaBoars Tag Rugby Tournament" Held in Fukushima 2018-07-20 [ sustainability ]MHI Group Employees Serve as Volunteers at Shiki Theatre Company's "Theater of the Heart" Performances in Meguro, Tokyo 2018-07-05 [ sustainability ]MHI Conducts Science Classes in Sapporo, in Conjunction with Nakajima Park Beautification Activities 2018-07-04 [ sustainability ]"Bridge to Tomorrow Project 2018" Conducted in Mihara (Hiroshima Pref.) 2018-06-26 [ sustainability ]MHI Group Employees and Family Members Participated in Annual Event to Exterminate Non-indigenous Fish Species from Lake Biwa 2018-06-25 [ sustainability ]Employees and Family Members Performed Voluntary Cleanup at Nishinohama Coast on Atsumi Peninsula, Aichi 2018-06-20 [ sustainability ]MHI Donates Shape-memory Eating Utensils under Matching Gift Program 2018-06-18 [ sustainability ]MHI Group Employees Serve as Volunteers at Shiki Theatre Company's "Theater of the Heart" Performances in Sagamihara 2018-06-18 [ sustainability ]"DynaBoars Festa 2018" Held in Sagamihara 2018-05-24 [ sustainability ]MHPS-DLC Employees Participate in Cherry Tree Planting Event in Dalian, China 2018-05-23 [ sustainability ]Employees and their Families Participate in 6th Mt. Fudekage Walk-and-Clean Event in Mihara, Hiroshima 2018-04-10 [ sustainability ]Local Children Learn about "Monozukuri" at the Hiroshima Machinery Works 2017FY News Release 2018-03-20 [ sustainability ]MHI Group Employees Serve as Volunteers at Shiki Theatre Company's "Theater of the Heart" Performances in Takamatsu 2018-03-19 [ sustainability ]Employee Volunteers Accompanied Children with Life-threatening Illnesses, and their Families, on Memory-making Trips to Tokyo (October to February) 2018-03-07 [ sustainability ]MHI Participates in Career Education Program at Shimizudai Elementary School in Shinagawa, Tokyo 2018-03-01 [ sustainability ]MHI Group Employees Serve as Volunteers at Shiki Theatre Company's "Theater of the Heart" Performances in Amagasaki and Miki 2018-02-28 [ sustainability ]Students from Mitaka Dai-nana Junior High School Visit the Head Office in Shinagawa 2018-02-27 [ sustainability ]MHI Group Employees Serve as Volunteers at Shiki Theatre Company's 2017 "Theater of the Heart" Performances in Nagasaki 2018-01-29 [ sustainability ]MHI Thermal Systems Conducts Science Class on Temperature Alteration at Kojo Elementary School in Kiyosu, Aichi 2017-12-28 [ sustainability ]MHI Group Employees Serve as Volunteers at Shiki Theatre Company's 2017 "Theater of the Heart" Performances in Fukuoka 2017-12-27 [ sustainability ]Students from Nakatsu Minami High School in Oita, Kyushu, Visit the Head Office in Shinagawa 2017-12-27 [ sustainability ]MHI Employees Teach a Science Class in Hiroshima about Airplanes, Using Paper Models of the Boeing 777 2017-12-26 [ sustainability ]Event Held in Mihara, Hiroshima Gives Visitors Firsthand Experience Riding High-Speed AGT and Other Trains 2017-12-21 [ sustainability ]Exhibition and Sale of Fukushima Products Held at the Shinagawa Head Office 2017-12-14 [ sustainability ]MHI Group Employee and Family Members Serve as Volunteers at Shiki Theatre Company's 2017 "Theater of the Heart" Performances in Mihara and Higashihiroshima 2017-12-12 [ sustainability ]MHI Group Employees Participate in Local Forestry Activity in Sagamihara, Kanagawa 2017-12-11 [ sustainability ]MHI Employees Teach a Science Class at Enoura Elementary School in Shimonoseki on How to Make a Boat that Goes Fast 2017-12-07 [ sustainability ]Tamachi Building Co. Invites Local Nursery School Children to Sweet Potato Dig at Company's Rooftop Garden 2017-12-06 [ sustainability ]MHI Group Employees Serve as Volunteers at Shiki Theatre Company's 2017 "Theater of the Heart" Performances in Kawasaki 2017-12-05 [ sustainability ]Science Class Held in Yokohama on the Connections between Rocket Launches and Marine Turtles 2017-12-04 [ sustainability ]MHI Thermal Systems Conducts Science Class on Temperature Alteration at Nishibiwajima Elementary School in Kiyosu, Aichi 2017-11-30 [ sustainability ]Employee Volunteers Participate in Tree Planting Festival in Iwaki,Fukushima, with Saplings They Raised at Home 2017-11-22 [ sustainability ]Visit by Students from Kaishin Second Junior High School in Nerima, Tokyo 2017-11-21 [ sustainability ]Performers in Shiki Theatre Company's "Theater of the Heart"Pay a Courtesy Visit to the Head Office in Shinagawa 2017-11-17 [ sustainability ]Employees at Kobe Shipyard & Machinery Works Undertake Voluntary Cleanup Activities Near Their Workplace 2017-11-14 [ sustainability ]MHI Group Employees Serve as Volunteers at Shiki Theatre Company's 2017 "Theater of the Heart" Performances in Toyama 2017-11-10 [ sustainability ]Sagamihara Machinery Works Invites Nursery School Children to a Pumpkin Harvest Experience Session 2017-11-07 [ sustainability ]MHI Invites Elementary School Students to "MHI Tanegashima Aerospace Classroom 2017." 2017-10-30 [ sustainability ]MHI Holds Science Class at Hidamari-no-Ie in Ritto City 2017-10-25 [ sustainability ]MHI Group Employees Serve as Volunteers at Shiki Theatre Company's 2017 "Theater of the Heart" Performances in Nagoya 2017-10-24 [ sustainability ]MHI Employees Teach Science Class on Theme of "How Do Rockets Fly?" at Yamato Elementary School in Mihara City, Hiroshima 2017-10-10 [ sustainability ]Employee Volunteers Accompany Children with Life-threatening Illnesses, and their Families, on a Memory-making Trip to Tokyo 2017-10-06 [ sustainability ]"Sixth Hitachi - Mitsubishi Science Class" Held in Hitachi City, Ibaraki 2017-09-21 [ sustainability ]MHI Group Employees Serve as Volunteers at Shiki Theatre Company's 2017 "Theater of the Heart" Performances in Sapporo 2017-09-19 [ sustainability ]Science Class on Airplanes and Hot-air Balloons Held in Fukushima 2017-09-15 [ sustainability ]MHI Group Employees Take Part in Forest Healing Event within Yadoriki Water Source Forest Activities 2017-09-13 [ sustainability ]MHI holds workshop at Kinahaiya Ikata Festival in Shikoku 2017-09-12 [ Management & Finance ][ sustainability ]MHI Wins Place in Dow Jones Sustainability Asia Pacific Index -- Selection Reflects Strong ESG Performance -- 2017-09-08 [ sustainability ]Science Class Held at Konan Elementary School "Let's make and fly airplanes - the MRJ " 2017-09-05 [ sustainability ]Students from Miyagi Prefecture Sendai Daini High School visit MHI 2017-08-31 [ sustainability ]MHI holds "26th MHI Shinsen Summer School" 2017-08-30 [ sustainability ]138 Visitors are Given a Tour of the Nagasaki Shipyard & Machinery Works 2017-08-25 [ sustainability ]MHI Employees Teach Summer Vacation Junior Science Class 2017-08-23 [ sustainability ]Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Machine Tool Performs a Host of Social Contribution Activities to Foster and Maintain Close Ties with its Local Communities 2017-08-22 [ sustainability ]Employees Participated as Volunteers in This Year's "Tanegashima Loggerhead Sea Turtle Survey" 2017-08-21 [ sustainability ]MHI Receives Letter of Appreciation from TABLE FOR TWO International 2017-08-07 [ sustainability ]Donation of Books to Elementary School in Dalian, China - Social contribution activities of MHPS Dalian Electricity Equipment Co., Ltd. 2017-08-02 [ sustainability ]2017 "Cleanup Setouchi" Beach Cleanup Activities Held 2017-08-01 [ sustainability ]MHI Group Employees Serve as Volunteers at Shiki Theatre Company's "Theater of the Heart" Performances in Ota Ward and Meguro Ward 2017-07-27 [ sustainability ]Tamachi Building Co. Hosts Potato Dig by Local Nursery School Children at Company's Rooftop Garden--CSR Activity Provides an Enjoyable Opportunity to Learn about Growing Healthy Food and Safeguarding the Environment-- 2017-07-25 [ sustainability ]Employees at Kobe Shipyard & Machinery Works Undertake Voluntary Cleanup Activities Near Their Workplace 2017-07-11 [ sustainability ]"Bridge to Tomorrow Project 2017" Conducted in Hiroshima 2017-06-27 [ sustainability ]Hiroshima "Mountain Day" Citizen's Gathering Forestry Work at Local Mountains 2017-06-13 [ sustainability ]MHI Group Employees Serve as Volunteers at Shiki Theatre Company's "Theater of the Heart" Performances in Sagamihara 2017-06-09 [ sustainability ]Visit by Students from Awano Junior High School in Tsuruga, Fukui Prefecture 2017-05-12 [ sustainability ]MHI Holds Presentation Ceremonies for Shape-memory Eating Utensil "Matching Gifts" in Headquarters Areas 2017-04-19 [ sustainability ]MHI Group Employees Participate in 10th "Furusato Cleanup Event" at All Company Locations 2017-04-06 [ sustainability ]Fourth Graders at Minami-kanon Elementary School in Hiroshima Visit the Hiroshima Machinery Works to Learn about "Monozukuri" 2017-04-05 [ sustainability ]Employees and their Families Participate in 5th Mt. Fudekage Walk-and-Clean Event in Mihara, Hiroshima 2016FY News Release 2017-03-28 [ sustainability ]Employee Volunteers Accompanied Children with Life-threatening Illnesses, and their Families, on a Memory-making 2-Day Trip to Tokyo in March 2017-03-27 [ sustainability ]MHI Conducted Science Classes on "Seeing Invisible Power" at the Local Konan Elementary School 2017-03-21 [ sustainability ]MHI Group Holds Workshop on Crafting Air-powered Rockets at "Next-Generation Energy Fair" in Satsumasendai, Kagoshima 2017-03-16 [ sustainability ]"MHI Tanegashima Aerospace Classroom 2015" Receives Encouragement Award from MEXT for Promotion of Experience-based Learning Activities for Young People 2017-03-09 [ sustainability ]Employee Volunteers Accompanied Children with Life-threatening Illnesses, and their Families, on a Memory-making 3-Day Trip to Tokyo in February 2017-03-03 [ sustainability ]Students from Yukigaya Junior High School in Tokyo Visit the Head Office in Shinagawa 2017-03-02 [ sustainability ]MHI Group Employees Serve as Volunteers at Shiki Theatre Company's "Theater of the Heart" Performances in Takamatsu 2017-02-24 [ sustainability ]MHI Group Employees Serve as Volunteers at Shiki Theatre Company's 2017 "Theater of the Heart" Performances in Amagasaki 2017-02-22 [ sustainability ]MHI Group Employees and Family Members Serve as Volunteers at Shiki Theatre Company's 2017 "Theater of the Heart" Performances in Nagasaki 2017-02-16 [ sustainability ]MHI Employees Teach Science Classes about Airplanes and the MRJ at Minami-kanon Elementary School in Hiroshima 2017-02-15 [ sustainability ]New Employees at Sagamihara Manufacturing Works Conduct Local "Corporate Forestry Program" Activities 2017-02-08 [ sustainability ]MHI Group Employees and Family Members Serve as Volunteers at Shiki Theatre Company's 2016 "Theater of the Heart" Performances in Iwaki 2017-02-07 [ sustainability ]MHI Holds Science and Technology Special Event Class for Girls to Teach the Mechanism of Vibration Damping 2017-02-03 [ sustainability ]Science Class Held on the Connections between Rocket Launches and Marine Turtles 2017-01-19 [ sustainability ]"Junior Dream College 2 - Work Experience Learning from Professionals -" Ryojyu Cold Chain Co., Ltd. Carries Out Social Contribution Activities 2017-01-11 [ sustainability ]MHI Employees Teach a Science Class at Enoura Elementary School in Shimonoseki on How to Make a Pop-pop Boat that Goes Fast and Straight 2017-01-10 [ sustainability ]MHI Group Employees and Family Members Serve as Volunteers at Shiki Theatre Company's 2016 "Theater of the Heart" Performances in Yokohama 2016-12-22 [ sustainability ]MHI Group Employees and Family Members Serve as Volunteers at Shiki Theatre Company's 2016 "Theater of the Heart" Performances in Hiroshima 2016-12-21 [ sustainability ]Employees participate in making memories for children with life-threatening illnesses and their families with Tokyo trip from November 22 to 23 2016-12-15 [ sustainability ]"MHI Group Furusato Cleanup 2016" Held at Kobe Shipyard & Machinery Works 2016-12-07 [ sustainability ]Employee Volunteers Accompanied Children with Life-threatening Illnesses, and their Families, on a Memory-making Overnight Trip to Tokyo in November 2016-12-02 [ sustainability ]MHI Invites 16 Children from Ashinaga NPO Tohoku Office to "Special Science Lesson & MRJ Factory Tour" 2016-12-01 [ sustainability ]Tamachi Building Co. Invites Local Nursery School Children to Sweet Potato Dig at Company's Rooftop Garden -- CSR Activity Provides an Enjoyable Opportunity to Learn about Growing Healthy Food and Safeguarding the Environment - 2016-11-28 [ sustainability ]Employees participate in making memories for children with life-threatening illnesses and their families with Tokyo trip in October 2016-11-25 [ sustainability ]MHI Group Employees Serve as Volunteers at Shiki Theater Company's 2016 "Theater of the Heart" in Nagoya 2016-11-24 [ sustainability ]MHI Group Employees and Family Members Participate in Annual Voluntary Cleaning Activities in Tokyo, including Komazawa Olympic Park 2016-11-21 [ sustainability ]New Sagamihara Manufacturing Works Employees Conduct "Corporate Forestry Program" Activities 2016-11-11 [ sustainability ]Students from Matsue Higashi High School, Shimane Prefecture visit MHI 2016-10-25 [ Management & Finance ][ sustainability ]MHI Publishes Integrated "MHI Report 2016" -- Multifaceted Presentation of Progress with Medium-Term Business Plan and Strengthening of Risk Management -- 2016-10-20 [ sustainability ]The 19th Session of the CSR Committee 2016-09-28 [ sustainability ]31 Groups are Selected to Receive Support from "2016 MHI Miyagi Fukushima Mini-Fund" 2016-09-23 [ sustainability ]Employee Volunteers Accompanied Children with Life-threatening Illnesses, and their Families, on a Memory-making Trip to Tokyo in August 2016-09-16 [ sustainability ]4th Session Held of This Year's Tanegashima Loggerhead Sea Turtle Survey 2016-09-13 [ sustainability ]Fukushima Products Exhibition Held at the Kobe Shipyard & Machinery Works as part of Initiative to Support Recovery in Eastern Japan 2016-09-12 [ sustainability ]Science Class Held at Konan Elementary School "Let's make and fly airplanes ˜ the MRJ ˜" 2016-09-09 [ sustainability ]Science Class Held for Children of Fukushima Prefecture -- Learning to Fly Home-made Rockets and Hot-air Balloons -- 2016-09-07 [ sustainability ]"MHI Tanegashima Aerospace Classroom 2016" Held at Tobishima 2016-08-31 [ sustainability ]Local Employees Taught Paper Craft to Children at the Kinahaiya Ikata Festival in Shikoku 2016-08-29 [ sustainability ]Employee Volunteers Accompanied Children with Life-threatening Illnesses, and their Families, on Memory-making Trips to Tokyo in June and July 2016-08-25 [ sustainability ]A science class entitled " Why do airplanes fly? ~ MRJ ~ " held at the Koshigaya Science and Technology Museum 2016-08-22 [ sustainability ]Second and Third SESSIONS of This Year's Tanegashima Loggerhead Sea Turtle Survey Held 2016-07-12 [ sustainability ]Science Classes were Held in Sapporo -- Part of Nakajima Park Beautification Activities -- 2016-07-07 [ sustainability ]Members of Shiki Theatre Company's "Kokoro no Gekijo" Paid a Visit to the Shinagawa Head Office Building 2016-06-27 [ sustainability ]Employee Volunteers Accompanied Terminally Ill Children On a Memory-making Trip in Tokyo 2016-06-22 [ sustainability ]MHI Group Employees and Family Members Serve as Volunteers at the "Theater of the Heart" Performance in Sagamihara 2016-06-20 [ sustainability ]Employees Participate as Volunteers in the First SESSION of This Year's "Tanegashima Loggerhead Sea Turtle Survey" 2016-06-13 [ sustainability ]Tamachi Building Co. Invites Local Nursery School Children to Turnip and Potato Dig at Company's Rooftop Garden -- CSR Activity Provides an Enjoyable Opportunity to Learn about Growing Healthy Food and Safeguarding the Environment -- 2016-06-10 [ Others ][ sustainability ]Series of Forums to Share Tokyo's Municipal Solid Waste Knowhow held in Myanmar 734 Participants Participated in Total 2016-05-06 [ sustainability ]Presentation Ceremonies Were Held at 3 Social Welfare Facilities Receiving Shape-memory Eating Utensils under the Headquarters Branch's "Matching Gift" Donation Program 2016-04-27 [ sustainability ]3rd Forum Held in Myanmar to Share Tokyo's Expertise in Municipal Solid Waste Management 2015FY News Release 2016-03-30 [ sustainability ]Science Classes on "Seeing Invisible Power" Held at Konan Elementary School 2016-03-25 [ sustainability ]"wakamaru gift" Campaign Reaches 8,000 Handshakes! 2016-03-16 [ sustainability ]Classes Held for Children and Parents at "11th Satsumasendai Lifelong Learning Festival & Next-Generation Energy Fair" 2016-03-14 [ Others ][ sustainability ]Mitsubishi Minatomirai Industrial Museum Marks 2.5 Millionth Visitor 2016-02-29 [ sustainability ]Science Class Held on the Connections between Rocket Launches and Marine Turtles 2016-02-26 [ Others ][ sustainability ]Mitsubishi Minatomirai Industrial Museum to Open Newly Refurbished "Aerospace Zone"-- New Features to Include Full-size Mockup of Engine, Other Components of MRJ, Japan's First Passenger Jet -- 2016-02-19 [ sustainability ]MHI Group Employees and Their Families Serve as Volunteers at "Theater of the Heart" Performance in Iwaki, Fukushima 2016-02-16 [ sustainability ]Ryojyu ColdChain Conducts Workshop as CSR Activity at "Junior Dream College: Learning about Careers from Professionals" 2016-02-12 [ sustainability ]2nd Forum Held in Myanmar to Convey Expertise in Municipal Solid Waste Management 2016-02-09 [ Others ][ sustainability ]"MHI REPORT 2015" Receives Second Prize in "18th Nikkei Annual Report Awards" 2016-01-21 [ sustainability ]MHI Releases “MHI CSR DATABOOK 2015” Introducing Group CSR Initiatives in FY2014 2016-01-15 [ sustainability ]18 Fifth- and Sixth-grade Elementary School Students Participate in “Tanegashima Space School 2015” 2015-12-16 [ sustainability ]The MHI Group is Participating in the “Xmas Cards from Friends around the World” Project 2015-12-16 [ sustainability ]wakamaru Science Class Held at Seikei Elementary School 2015-11-13 [ sustainability ]Tamachi Building Co. Invites Local Nursery School Childrento Potato Dig At Company's Rooftop Garden-- Providing a Fun Opportunity to Learn about the Environment as a CSR Activity – 2015-11-13 [ sustainability ]MHI Group Employees and Family MembersParticipate in Annual Voluntary Cleaning Activities in Tokyo, including Komazawa Olympic Park 2015-10-28 [ Management & Finance ][ sustainability ]MHI Publishes Integrated "MHI Report 2015"- Broad Ranging Presentation of New Medium-Term Business Strategies and Initiatives to Address Environmental and Social Issues - 2015-10-26 [ sustainability ]Forum Held in Yangon, Myanmar, to Share Knowhow in Municipal Solid Waste Management, Based on Tokyo’s Example 2015-10-26 [ sustainability ]Fair of Fukushima Products Held at the Head Officeto Support Recovery Efforts after the Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster 2015-10-06 [ sustainability ]MHPS-IND, A Group Company of Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems, Performs CSR Activities at a mentally/physically challenged Support Center in India 2015-10-05 [ sustainability ]Internship Students from Brazil Tour the Tobishima Plantof the Nagoya Aerospace Systems Works 2014FY News Release 2015-03-25 [ sustainability ]MHPS-IND Donates, Installs Water Purification System, Toilets and Other Equipment for Indian High School 2014-10-20 [ sustainability ]MHI releases "MHI CSR DATABOOK 2014 (MHI Group CSR Initiatives, PDF version)" and "MHI Group ESG Data 2014" 2014-07-14 [ Others ][ sustainability ]MHI Sponsors Charity Musical Performances in Tokyo -- 1,400 Children Invited to Enjoy "Hikaru: The Story of a Firefly Who Couldn't Fly" -- 2014-06-02 [ Others ][ sustainability ]Tamachi Building Co. Invites Nursery School Children to Strawberry Picking At Company's Rooftop Garden -- Offering Fun Learning Opportunity about Environment as CSR Activity -- 2013FY News Release 2014-03-11 [ Others ][ sustainability ]MHI Launches Comprehensive Web Page Introducing its Group Activities in Support of Recovery in Tohoku during the First 3 Years After the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster-- Includes Declaration of Firm Commitment to Provide Sustained Support Going Forward -- 2014-03-03 [ Others ][ sustainability ]MHI Donates 150 Million Yen, A/C Systems for "Tohoku Rainbow Houses," Facilities under Construction by Ashinaga NPO to Provide Psychological and Emotional Care to Orphans of the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami 2014-01-23 [ Management & Finance ][ sustainability ]MHI Selected as One of the World's Most Sustainable Corporations 2013-11-18 [ Others ][ sustainability ]MHI Holds Science Class in Hanoi to Teach Local Students The Principles behind Aircraft Flight-- Part of Events Celebrating Friendship between Japan and Vietnam,Conducted at DOWACEN Japanese Language School -- 2013-09-03 [ Others ][ sustainability ]MHI Conducts Science Class on Wind Power Generation to Elementary School Students in Iwaki City, Fukushima Prefecture, Host to Offshore Wind Farm Demonstration Research Project-- Follow-up to Similar Class Held in 2012 -- 2013-07-16 [ Others ][ sustainability ]MHI Sponsors Charity Musical Performances in Tokyo As Part of Annual CSR Activities: 1,300 Children Invited To Enjoy "The Great Adventures of Sinbad" 2013-07-04 [ Others ][ sustainability ]Mitsubishi Minatomirai Industrial Museum to Host "Children's Summer Science Festival" Together with Yokohama Port Museum- Diverse Program of Enjoyable Learning Events Scheduled - 2013-06-26 [ Others ][ sustainability ]MHI Releases 2013 "CSR Report"-- Coinciding with Renovation of CSR Zone in M's Square Showroom at Shinagawa Head Office Building -- 2013-05-31 [ Others ][ sustainability ]Tamachi Building Co. Invites Nursery School Children to Strawberry Picking-- Offering Fun Learning Opportunity about Environment as CSR Activity -- 2013-05-07 [ Others ][ sustainability ]"CSR Zone" Created at M's Square in Shinagawa Head Office Building -- Aimed at Fostering Understanding of How CSR Activities are Linked to Group Business Operations – 2013-04-24 [ Others ][ sustainability ]MHI Supporting "Heart-full Soccer in Thailand" International Exchange Program by Urawa Reds Soccer Team -- Part of CSR Activities Targeting Stronger Ties to Local Communities And Acceleration of Global Business Expansion -- 2012FY News Release 2012-11-28 [ Others ][ sustainability ]MHI to Conduct Science Class on Wind Power Generation In Iwaki City, Fukushima Prefecture, to 120 Elementary School Students 2012-10-24 [ Others ][ sustainability ]Tamachi Building Co. Invites Nursery School Children to Potato Dig at Company's Rooftop Garden -- Offering Fun Learning Opportunity about Environment as CSR Activity -- 2012-10-23 [ Others ][ sustainability ]MHI Sponsoring Charity Musical to be Performed for Children In the Tohoku Region Hit by the Great East Japan Earthquake -- 900 Elementary Students to Attend "Peter Pan and Wendy" -- 2012-10-12 [ Others ][ sustainability ]Mitsubishi Minatomirai Industrial Museum Marks 2 Millionth Visitor -- 18 Years from 1994 Opening, Less than 7 Years from 1 Million Milestone -- 2012-06-21 [ Management & Finance ][ sustainability ]MHI Releases 2012 "CSR Report"-- Coinciding with Formulation of "MHI Environmental Vision 2030" -- 2012-05-28 [ Others ][ sustainability ]Tamachi Building Co. Invites Nursery School Children to Strawberry Picking At Company's Rooftop Garden -- Offering Fun Learning Opportunity about Environment as CSR Activity -- 2012-04-05 [ Living & Leisure ][ Others ][ sustainability ]Tamachi Building Restaurant Offers Freshly Picked Vegetables Grown Organically on Site Using Solar Power 2011FY News Release 2011-10-24 [ Others ][ sustainability ]Tamachi Building Co. Invites Kindergarten Children to Potato Dig At Company's Rooftop Garden -- Offering Fun Learning Opportunity about Environment as CSR Activity -- 2010FY News Release 2010-12-17 [ Others ][ sustainability ]Completion of Solar Power Generation System Donated by MHI At DOWACEN, a Japanese Language Teaching Center in Vietnam -- MHI's Initiative to Contribute to Development of Emerging Countries -- 2009FY News Release 2009-09-14 [ Others ][ sustainability ]MHI to Donate Photovoltaic Power Generation System and Sponsor Lecture Course and Scholarship in Vietnam--MHI's Initiative in establishing global partnerships through its products-- 2008FY News Release 2008-11-17 [ Others ][ sustainability ]MHI to Sponsor IRB Rugby World Cup Sevens 2009 in Dubai,One of the World's Largest Sporting Events. 2008-09-19 [ Management & Finance ][ sustainability ]MHI and MC to Contribute to Iceland's Clean Energy Policy NEWS News Navigation All News sustainability Management & Finance Human Resource FUTURE GROWTH AREAS Carbon Neutral Energy Transition Smart Infrastructure Products Energy Nuclear Related Aircraft Space Ship & Ocean Transportation Material Handling Environment Automotive Industrial Machinery Infrastructure Living & Leisure Defense Information Others NOTICES E-MAIL NEWSLETTER