[ Nuclear Power Generation ]

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The Firefighting Robot System was developed by MHI through the company's participation in a project led by Japan's Fire and Disaster Management Agency (FDMA), to respond to energy and industrial infrastructure disasters.
The two models developed by MHI are built on chassis frames modified from small farm buggies that offer strong suspension combined with outstanding road maneuvering. The frames are equipped with GPS and laser sensors that together enable autonomously controllable movement. With the integration of advanced technologies, the robots are able to self-drive directly to the scene of a fire, equipped with an attached firehose.

Firefighting Procedure

  • A vehicle transports the firefighting robot to a safe distance from a fire.
  • The robot is unloaded, with personnel connecting a cable and hose to prepare it for operations.
  • A reconnaissance robot is deployed.
  • Based on its findings, water cannon and hose extension robots are connected and travel autonomously toward a location near the source of the fire to discharge water.
  • The water cannon and hose extension robots automatically lay hoses out. After the hose and pump are connected the system starts discharging water.
Firefighting Robot System Activities

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