This basic safety policy has been laid down based on the belief that the group companies of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Thermal Systems and its group companies can only contribute to society by ensuring the safety of their products.
We consider this basic safety policy to be more than just a principle. We will adhere to it through specific actions taken in daily operations, and continue striving in earnest to maintain and improve the safety of the products we provide.

1. Adherence to laws, ordinances and global safety standards

We will ensure adherence to domestic and international laws, ordinances, standards and criteria regarding product safety. The safety of our products will be based on world-class science, technologies and knowledge.

2. Product design

We will mitigate safety risks associated with our products by identifying and evaluating those found throughout their lifecycles, and implementing protective measures through fundamental safety designs, safeguards, etc.

3. Providing information to prevent product accidents

We will ensure adequate providing of notices and warnings to prevent accidents in our manuals on risk assessments, installation, operation, repairs and maintenance, dismantling and disposal, as well as through signs on the products themselves. We will actively and continually provide information to support the prevention of accidents among customers and users, as well as those involved in selling, installing, maintaining, inspecting, dismantling and disposing our products.

4. In-house education

We will strive to ensure the continued education and training of all executives and employees, including those of group companies, on product safety.

5. Gathering and reporting information on product accidents and problems

We actively gather information on accidents and problems involving our products and the similar products of other companies, and quickly report it to our administrators and departments concerned to have it reflected in corrective measures and designs.

6. Responding to serious product accidents

In the event of serious product accidents, we prioritize physical safety to quickly respond as follows, led by our administrators to prevent the spread of damage and recurrences.

  • Measures to inspect, repair, recover or replace products, or the simultaneous implementing of such measures.
  • Thorough elucidation of the causes.
  • Reporting to government offices as required by laws and ordinances, and disclosure of information to users and the market.

7. Establishment of an operating system

To ensure the practical and sustained operation of the Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Thermal Systems basic safety policy, we have established a system of internal regulations, which we will continue to review as necessary.