Takayuki Hattori
Testing Section
Air-Conditioner Designing & Engineering Department

Testing Section
Air-Conditioner Designing & Engineering Department *As of 2022

Takayuki Hattori

He joined the company. He was assigned to the Air-Conditioning & Refrigeration Systems Headquarters, Residential Air-Conditioner & Heat Pump Operations, Residential Air-Conditioner & Heat Pump Engineering Department, Product Development & Testing Section.

Deputy Manager, Air-Conditioning & Refrigeration Systems Headquarters Air-Conditioner Designing & Engineering Department Testing Section

Team Maneger, Air-Conditioner Designing & Engineering Department Testing Section Component

Manager, Air-Conditioner Designing & Engineering Department Product Planning Group

Manager, Air-Conditioner Designing & Engineering Department Marketing Section

Manager, Air-Conditioner Designing & Engineering Department Testing Section

Can you tell us the specific details of your department and current work?

In charge of development testing all air-conditioners
Carrying out appropriate tests while constantly updating measuring technology

Hattori is mainly in charge of carrying out development tests on air-conditioners, including residential air-conditioners, packaged air-conditioners and VRFs. He evaluates them for their performance, reliability, noise, vibrations, etc.

He carries out calculations first, before running tests on prototypes that undergo improvements in stages, including prototypes made on the production line. He carries out at least three or four tests before the product is completed.

"The most important things is to have a thorough understanding of the Laws and regulations and measuring methods to make sure no mistakes are made in obtaining test results. For example, rules will change if amendments are made to the Fluorocarbon Emissions Control Act. So, you have to make adjustments to your products. You have to keep your measuring technology updated and have a good understanding of the principles and laws associated with measuring in carrying out tests, and in order to offer customers accurate information. That's what it means for a company to fulfill its responsibilities to society."

What do you pay particular attention to, or feel confident about in your work?

"Think constantly about what needs to be done"
What to keep in mind as a fully trained professional

Hattori was assigned to the Testing Section after joining the company. There he was fully trained by highly experienced senior members of the section.

"I witnessed the pride of senior employees as professionals, and felt it was my job to pass this onto future generations. I can still remember what my supervisor told me at the time to 'Think constantly about what needs to be done.' This attitude lives on in the activities I'm currently engaging in to innovate designing operations."

These activities to innovate designing operations involve the revision and innovation of designing processes to improve development and productivity. Hattori has been involved in this initiative since about six years ago.

"At first, I focused only on revising Testing Section operations that I was directly involved in, but I realized that solving the root causes of problems required the involvement of the entire company, from product planning to technological development. So, I looked at ways to introduce new methods into the development process, while taking part in in-house research meetings. Then putting them into practice allowed me to clarify the issues."

What are your goals and outlook for the future?

Aiming to innovate the developmental process as Testing Section Manager
Turning the company into a place that inspires individual employees to grow

Today, testing facilities and the bolstering of personnel have advanced rapidly, making development increasingly complicated and advanced. Hattori feels it is more important then ever to promote activities to innovate designing operations.

"I want to innovate the current developmental process as Testing Section Manager. Doing so will require everyone from, young members to experienced employees, to devote themselves wholeheartedly to the company. I think this is possible if the company becomes a place that inspires everyone to grow. We have a long way to go, but I want to turn Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Thermal Systems into a place where people grow, with the cooperation of our employees, as well as those of affiliated companies."