Tomohiro Omote
Air-Conditioner Team
Quality Assurance Section
Quality Assurance Department

Air-Conditioner Team
Quality Assurance Section
Quality Assurance Department *As of 2022

Tomohiro Omote

He joined the company.
He was assigned to the Air-Conditioner Team, Quality Assurance Section, Quality Assurance Department

Can you tell us the specific details of your department and current work?

Maintaining the quality of products to ensure their proper judgment by inspecting,
evaluating and analyzing them from a variety of perspectives

The Quality Assurance Section checks the products of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Thermal Systems to ensure the maintaining of quality from a third party perspective. Omote is in his third year in the Quality Assurance Section after joining the company.
He is currently in charge of residential air-conditioners, and focuses on implementing measures against complaints and preventing them.

"I check to make sure they clear all laws, regulations and internal standards on safety, performance, vibrations, noise and odors. It's important to clarify the causes when products seem noisy or don't feel right even when the measurements meet the required standards."
"I'm young and only in my third year, but I've been placed in charge of judging whether products pass or fail their tests. That comes with a lot of responsibility, of course. But I think being young allows me to notice things from new perspectives. So, I strive to ensure quality by believing in myself."

What do you pay particular attention to, or feel confident about in your work?

Communicating closely with overseas plants to ensure the smooth conveying of improvements

Omote's work in quality assurance involves inspecting overseas plants and suppliers. He carries out regular inspections to ensure the maintaining of quality even in every single screw. Whenever a problem is found, he strives at all times to verify its cause with his own eyes.

"When a problem is found, it's investigated first by another department. But for example, when an abnormal sound is found, I have to hear it myself so I can explain the phenomenon. I have to check with my own eyes and ears, before suggesting ideas for its cause in tenaciously elucidating the phenomenon. Furthermore, even when you find something that can be improved, you have to understand the actual production process to ensure the smooth conveying of how improvements can be made."

Omote says he visits plants to deepen his understanding even when they are overseas.

"I visited a plant in Thailand the other day. I managed to check the production process, which gave me a much deeper understanding. I was also able to meet the local staff, which has made communication easier than before in conveying the subtle details of improvements. I want to continue communicating closely with people at plants to ensure the delivery of high quality products to customers."

What are your goals and outlook for the future?

Coming up with ideas based on third party perspectives to maintain the trust of customers 3 to 5 years into the future

As an engineer involved in manufacturing, Omote says he wants to continue checking products with his own eyes and hands, and gain more experience and knowledge.
"Unlike designing, you don't make something from nothing in quality assurance, but you think of ways to improve products that will be manufactured or already exist. You don't make anything tangible, but the company wouldn't be able to maintain quality without us. I feel it's our job to ensure the maintaining of trust among customers 3 to 5 years into the future."

"I'm young and in my third year at the company with little experience and knowledge, but I have no preconceptions, so I want to check our products from a third-party perspective like that of our customers. Quality control is like our last line of defense. I want to continue maintaining and improving the quality of our products."