Power System

Distributors :

Providing Highly Reliable, CO2-Free Power Supply Systems

Our power generation and engine businesses have proven track records, offering reliable power sources for data centers. We will realize carbon-free energy supplies through fuel conversion using hydrogen gas turbines that are under development and scheduled to switch fully to hydrogen-only combustion by 2025, and hydrogen engines.

Gas Turbine

  • H25/100: 30MW,40MW,100MW
  • J/F/G/D: 114MW-574MW
  • GTCC: 60MW-1,332MW
  • Top market share on megawatt basis in 2022
  • Hydrogen-only combustion by 2025
  • Rock-solid customer support system
1. Mitsubishi Power delivers Hydrogen-Ready Gas Turbines to “IPP Renewed” Project in Utah to meet Decarbonization Goals in the Western US
  • Mitsubishi Power recently delivered two M501JAC advanced-class gas turbines to the IPP Renewed project in Utah -- the cornerstone of the project's utilization of hydrogen for power generation
  • The 694,000 lb. turbines journeyed from Japan to the IPP Renewed site via ship, train and truck traveling over 5,800 miles in 30 days
  • Hydrogen will be provided to IPP Renewed from the nearby ACES Delta Hydrogen Hub
2. Keppel, together with Mitsubishi Power and Jurong Engineering consortium, breaks ground for Singapore's first hydrogen ready cogeneration plant
3. Mitsubishi Power to Establish Hydrogen Power Demonstration Facility “Takasago Hydrogen Park” at Takasago Machinery Works

Emergency Generation

  • 480KVA-3025kVA (0.4-2.4MW)
  • More than 12,000 units delivered
  • Short lead times
  • Comprehensive customer support structure
  • 10-second startup time
  • Dual start
1. MHIET to Install 100% Hydrogen Engine Generator Set for In-house Evaluation
  • MHIET will conduct a technical evaluation of 500kW, 6-cyl 100% hydrogen engine
  • Installing a 100% hydrogen engine generator set and hydrogen supply facility within Sagamihara Plant for evaluation, MHIET aims to help carbon neutrality through marketing its products
2. MHIET Launches MGS3100R, A New 3,000 kVA Class Generator Set for Commercial and Mission Critical Facilities
  • Releases the highest output model in the series to meet needs of various industries including factories, commercial buildings, hospitals and data centers as a means to supply power at time of power crunches, power failures, and disasters or for Business Continuity Plan
  • Features space-saving, easy installation, and performance and quality approvals

Stories of MHI Group Expertise